Name |
Type |
Dungeon Modules |
The Moorham Burial Ground |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Copperfield Vaults |
Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of Kinghart Manor |
Mine |
11 |
Woodwing's Hold |
Ruined Castle |
14 |
The Prison of Dunistyr |
Prison |
13 |
The Roost of Skulrathrac |
Harpy Nest |
10 |
The Elyrrya Coven |
Coven |
8 |
The Fortress of Wickford |
Natural Cave |
10 |
The Yeomton Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Gaersmith Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Hearthsmith's Hold |
Prison |
13 |
Tricerbith |
Orc Stronghold |
14 |
Gaerwing's Guard |
Ruined Castle |
11 |
The Dunore Excavation |
Mine |
10 |
The Lysausa Coven |
Coven |
10 |
Masterwing Tower |
Volcanic Caves |
11 |
The Buckingcroft Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Castle Necromeham |
Vampire Haunt |
13 |
Woodborne Hall |
Human Stronghold |
11 |
The Wickhart Tombs |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Ashsly Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Hold of Woodford |
Orc Stronghold |
12 |
Dunyval's Guard |
Human Stronghold |
12 |
The Gaerfield Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of Old Evelona's Place |
Crypt |
10 |
Ruins of Hawksmith Orchard |
Coven |
11 |
The Stronghold of Kinging |
Vampire Haunt |
12 |
The Copperston Tombs |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Tower of Greenton |
Orc Stronghold |
11 |
The Tower of Uthyrick |
Human Stronghold |
12 |
The Coven of Elyrrya |
Coven |
12 |
The Tomb of Darkulyth |
Crypt |
13 |
The Haunt of Morobezzar |
Vampire Haunt |
10 |
Ruins of The Old Wicking Hovel |
Laboratory |
11 |
The Tombs of Masterhart |
Cemetery |
5 |
THe Crypts of Moorton |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Stronghold of Buckington |
Desecrated Temple |
12 |
Masterham's Guard |
Ruined Castle |
14 |
The Cabal of Evelyna |
Coven |
13 |
Ruins of The Old Kingford Hovel |
Coven |
13 |
The Pit of Asmerah |
Natural Cave |
8 |
The Masterton Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Gaering Cemetery |
Cemetery |
5 |
Yeihoth |
Giant Stronghold |
8 |
Bedastyr's Gaol |
Prison |
10 |
The Fortress of Hearthsmith |
Vampire Haunt |
12 |
The Fortress of Hearthcroft |
Vampire Haunt |
10 |
Trogker |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
The Nest of Dagubith |
Harpy Nest |
12 |
The Dunard Excavation |
Mine |
12 |
Ruins of The Old Hawkford Hovel |
Desecrated Temple |
14 |
The Cathedral of Gerulasulla |
Desecrated Temple |
13 |
The Stronghold of Greencroft |
Vampire Haunt |
8 |
Tricerrath |
Orc Stronghold |
13 |
The Fortress of Woodsley |
Laboratory |
13 |
The Greenham Tombs |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Moorston Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Citadel of Hearthhart |
Crypt |
14 |
The Tombs of Hearthing |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Hold of Ashford |
Giant Stronghold |
8 |
Ruins of Moorton Manor |
Natural Cave |
8 |
The Hold of Hawkhouse |
Mine |
8 |
Castle Lithovion |
Vampire Haunt |
8 |
The Lysabyth Tradition |
Coven |
10 |
Anivor |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
The Wicksly Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Tombs of Yeomton |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of Tower Hawkston |
Mine |
8 |
The Haunt of Darkovus |
Vampire Haunt |
12 |
The Hold of Wickham |
Human Stronghold |
11 |
The Roost of Grumerus |
Harpy Nest |
8 |
Vermdred |
Giant Stronghold |
10 |
The Cabal of Chrystara |
Coven |
12 |
The Cabal of Morgyn |
Coven |
12 |
The Baaliblanxiah Manse |
Desecrated Temple |
11 |
Ashing's Hold |
Ruined Castle |
8 |
The Mines of Mordard |
Mine |
12 |
The Mordynak Tunnel |
Mine |
13 |
The Citadel of Kingston |
Laboratory |
10 |
The Haunt of Nebuchivor |
Vampire Haunt |
8 |
The Moorsmith Tombs |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Cult of Lysyn |
Coven |
11 |
Tower Copperwing |
Crypt |
11 |
The Greenfield Crypts |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of Gaerston Hall |
Ruined Castle |
12 |
The Dunastyr Mines |
Mine |
13 |
The Graves of Yeomsley |
Cemetery |
5 |
Magnovaus Hall |
Vampire Haunt |
10 |
Castle Bedane |
Human Stronghold |
12 |
Castle Yeomsly |
Crypt |
13 |
The Mastering Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Tower of Woodsmith |
Barbarian Stronghold |
12 |
Morirugoth |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
The Mooring Cemetery |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Moorhouse Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The House of Copperhart |
Ruined Castle |
14 |
The Mastersmith Tombs |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The House of Correhius |
Vampire Haunt |
12 |
The Woodhart Vaults |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Hezirker |
Orc Stronghold |
14 |
The Tower of Mastering |
Laboratory |
8 |
Ruins of Hearthhouse Manor |
Prison |
8 |
The Stronghold of Woodfield |
Coven |
8 |
The Cabal of Elabyth |
Coven |
13 |
Ruins of Wickford Court |
Spider Nest |
10 |
Ruins of Greensly Tower |
Ruined Castle |
12 |
The Hearthham Cemetery |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Masterford Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Uthyctor Pit |
Mine |
8 |
Ruins of The Ashsly Farmstead |
Desecrated Temple |
8 |
The Citadel of Masterford |
Ruined Castle |
10 |
The Balith Cloister |
Desecrated Temple |
8 |
The Stronghold of Greenton |
Prison |
12 |
Castle Ashham |
Orc Stronghold |
12 |
Perastyr Laboratory |
Laboratory |
10 |
The Yeomsmith Tombs |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Elyrrya Tradition |
Coven |
8 |
The Moorston Burial Ground |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Tower Woodcroft |
Ruined Castle |
12 |
The Copperford Graveyard |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Temple of Maelon |
Desecrated Temple |
10 |
Trististair Laboratory |
Laboratory |
8 |
The Hold of Mastercroft |
Desecrated Temple |
10 |
Bedyrick Laboratory |
Laboratory |
13 |
Perywyr Laboratory |
Laboratory |
13 |
The Yagrator Aviary |
Harpy Nest |
8 |
Sashnorog |
Orc Stronghold |
12 |
The Fortress of Uthard |
Human Stronghold |
12 |
Castle Coppersley |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
The Mastersly Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Morgona Cabal |
Coven |
10 |
Yeoming Tower |
Coven |
12 |
Castle Wayrest |
Human Stronghold |
21 |
Ruins of Woodhouse Manor |
Mine |
13 |
The Kinghouse Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Castle Hearthton |
Prison |
8 |
The Temple of Dispebeus |
Desecrated Temple |
10 |
The Penitentiary of Alabywyr |
Prison |
13 |
Ruins of Old Barbyna's Shack |
Harpy Nest |
13 |
The Kinging Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Baalebrululla Shrine |
Desecrated Temple |
8 |
The Haunt of Magnuloth |
Vampire Haunt |
12 |
The Penitentiary of Theodyval |
Prison |
8 |
The Coven of Ysara |
Coven |
8 |
Ruins of Coppersley Manor |
Barbarian Stronghold |
8 |
Azirthrac's Nest |
Spider Nest |
11 |
The Gaersly Cemetery |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Fortress of Masterston |
Ruined Castle |
12 |
The Moorcroft Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Shrine of Marebranxa |
Desecrated Temple |
12 |
The Fortress of Greenhouse |
Ruined Castle |
13 |
The Tower of Moorton |
Mine |
8 |
The Gaering Tombs |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Agryrick Reformatory |
Prison |
13 |
Tower Uthistyr |
Human Stronghold |
12 |
Sekotrugoth |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Castle Copperston |
Crypt |
14 |
Tricerrock's Web |
Spider Nest |
13 |
The Hold of Hearthhouse |
Coven |
10 |
The Coven of Belladyn |
Coven |
10 |
The House of Moorwing |
Ruined Castle |
8 |
Tower Hawkham |
Giant Stronghold |
13 |
The Hold of Wickfield |
Ruined Castle |
13 |
The Dunyctor Excavation |
Mine |
13 |
Ruins of The Woodham Cabin |
Desecrated Temple |
13 |
Ruins of Hearthfield Orchard |
Desecrated Temple |
8 |
The Quarry of Mordynak |
Mine |
14 |
The Gaercroft Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Maelither Hermitage |
Desecrated Temple |
13 |
The Agryctor Asylum |
Prison |
10 |
The Circle of Evelolda |
Barbarian Stronghold |
11 |
The Citadel of Woodham |
Ruined Castle |
8 |
The Edworyan Pit |
Mine |
8 |
The Hold of Hawkford |
Ruined Castle |
13 |
The Tower of Buckington |
Ruined Castle |
14 |
The Abbey of Demanxessa |
Desecrated Temple |
11 |
Tristyrick Laboratory |
Laboratory |
12 |
The Gaersly Crypts |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ashhouse Tower |
Harpy Nest |
8 |
The Tower of Moorhouse |
Vampire Haunt |
12 |
Ruins of The Wickwing Farmstead |
Vampire Haunt |
13 |
The Stronghold of Gaercroft |
Giant Stronghold |
10 |
Castle Moorham |
Coven |
13 |
Hawksley's Hold |
Natural Cave |
13 |
The Buckingham Cemetery |
Cemetery |
5 |
The Roost of Skulthoth |
Harpy Nest |
12 |
The Stronghold of Kinghouse |
Desecrated Temple |
14 |