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< Daggerfall:Urvaius
Name Type Dungeon Modules
The Vyctyrrya Convergence Barbarian Stronghold 10
The Angator Web Spider Nest 14
The Hold of Wickton Barbarian Stronghold 10
Kinghouse Tower Orc Stronghold 12
Gaerhart's Guard Human Stronghold 8
The Gaol of Gondywyr Prison 8
The Stronghold of Gaerham Ruined Castle 12
Ruins of Buckington Court Desecrated Temple 14
Hearthwing Tower Mine 8
Castle Hawkford Prison 11
The Tower of Yeomhouse Barbarian Stronghold 8
Ruins of Castle Wickford Natural Cave 13
Ruins of The Old Woodwing Shack Desecrated Temple 8
The Gaerham Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Stronghold of Bedyval Human Stronghold 8
The Hold of Moorhouse Ruined Castle 8
Mareriva Minster Desecrated Temple 10
The Ashton Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Stronghold of Mastersly Prison 13
Yeomfield's Guard Ruined Castle 8
Trogirath Orc Stronghold 13
Castle Edwyctor Human Stronghold 10
The Citadel of Hearthsly Ruined Castle 12
Hearthwing's Hold Mine 8
Ruins of The Moorsley Farmstead Giant Stronghold 8
The Kingsly Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
Necromanoth Hall Vampire Haunt 8
Ruins of The Wickham Farmstead Vampire Haunt 8
Ruins of Hawkton Manor Vampire Haunt 10
The Homunatorgon Cave Natural Cave 12
The Tombs of Yeomham Forgotten Cemetery 5
THe Crypts of Kingfield Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hold of Ashwing Orc Stronghold 13
The Woodsly Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Hold of Masterhouse Crypt 8
Bedistyr Laboratory Laboratory 12
The Cult of Vannolda Coven 13
Morphang Orc Stronghold 10
The Citadel of Woodfield Ruined Castle 13
The Kinghart Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Cavern of Maeleusena Natural Cave 8
The Uthywyr Asylum Prison 14
The Tower of Tristyval Human Stronghold 13
The Hold of Copperwing Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of The Tower of Copperham Prison 11
Ruins of Wickhart Grange Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Ashhouse Manor Ruined Castle 12
The Copperford Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Buckinghart's Guard Spider Nest 12
The Stronghold of Kinghouse Human Stronghold 11
Tricerrath Orc Stronghold 12
The Stronghold of Masterham Giant Stronghold 8
Vermangon Orc Stronghold 12
Hearthton's Hold Human Stronghold 11
The Wickcroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Maelanxia Shrine Desecrated Temple 12
The Yeomsmith Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Masterfield Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Theodyn Prison Prison 12
The Tower of Yeoming Ruined Castle 8
Tower Gaersley Desecrated Temple 11
Seknoker Orc Stronghold 13
Copperham's Guard Desecrated Temple 10
The Citadel of Copperfield Mine 10