Spell | Range | Magnitude | Chance of success (%) | Duration (in-game minutes) | Spell Effect(s) |
Chameleon | Caster only | - | - | 3 + 1/per level | Normal Chameleon Form, dispelled when attacking |
Ghost Form | Caster only |
Invisibility and Levitation | ||
Invisibility | Caster only | - | - | 3 + 2/per level | Invisibility, dispelled when attacking |
Light | Caster only | - | - | 1 + 4/per level | Light in front of the caster for the duration of the spell |
Shadow Form | Caster only | - | - | 1 + 1/per level | Normal Shadow Form, dispelled when attacking |
- The Invisibility spell is only dispelled when you attack an enemy physically, with weapons or hand-to hand. If you use magic instead, the invisibility effect will not be dispelled. The enemy you just attacked will still find and attack you, but additional enemies in the vicinity will not attack because they are still unable to detect you.
- Chameleon and Shadow are cheap versions of Invisibility. Chameleon only works when you are not moving, and Shadow only works indoors.