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Daggerfall:Dust of Restful Death

< Quests: Main Quest

Find some dust to exorcise Lysandus' spirit.
Quest Giver: Medora Direnni
Location(s): Stronghold of Orsinium, Orsinium, Direnni Tower, Isle of Balfiera and Random Dungeon
Prerequisite Quest: Freeing Medora
Next Quest: Lysandus' Revelation
ID: S0000018
Required Level: 10
Lich dust

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Thirty days after having freed Medora, you receive a vision from the grateful sorceress.
  2. In the vision she states that Gortwog, Warlord of the Orcs, knows the location of the Dust of Restful Death which will soothe the spirit of King Lysandus.
  3. You pay a visit to Gortwog and discover the dust lies in a random dungeon on the Isle of Balfiera.
  4. After searching the dungeon you find the dust and a letter on a mummy.
  5. Returning to Medora, you find out that the letter, from Gortwog, was an attempt to save Lysandus from the Wayrest assassins. Unfortunately, this attempt failed.
  6. Medora requires a month to prepare the dust, after such time you will receive another quest.

Detailed Walkthrough

You're walking along one day, then suddenly - POOF!!! - You receive an informative vision from Medora whom you recently released from imprisonment.

Your vision hazes and the world grows
dim. Out of the gray, a woman's face
appears. Medora!
"(player's name). Your efforts to free me
have not been in vain. I have discovered
a powder that will soothe the ghost of
my beloved Lysandus. However, it is in the
hands of Gortwog, Warlord of the Orcs, in
his steel citadel of Orsinium. Go to him
in Orsinium and see if there is anything
that can be done to persuade him to give
it to you. Bring the powder to me in
Direnni Tower once you have it."
The vision clears. Sometimes you wish
sorceresses would just send letters like
other folks do.

After rubbing and blinking your eyes for a view seconds to reorient yourself, you decide it would be a good idea to go see Gortwog as soon as possible. You arrive in Orsinium, a small town, and enter the large grey citadel to find Gortwog.

So Medora wants the Dust of Restful Death.
Only because I respect the memory of King
Lysandus will I do this. The Dust can be
found in (some crypt) on her
own island. Tell Medora that the price is
her support of my claim to the heart.
She'll know what it means.

Well, you now know the location of the dust that will soothe the ghost of Lysandus, but exactly what was the heart that Gortwog was talking about? Ah well, can't be that important. So you rush off to find the dust. After an exhausting search, you finally discover the dust, and a worn letter on the fresh corpse of a mummy (fresh because you just killed it of course). You attempt to decipher as much of the letter as possible...

This parchment was used as a wrap for the
packet of powder. Some of its message is
now illegible.
Lady Med...
...favor. They intend to slay him. I am
sending ........ers to stop them. You must
support me. If the empire finds I have
attacked royal advisers of Wayr......ven
if they are assassins, my people will never
win the same status and respect as the
Khaji................ians. However, with
your support I c............. a hero of the
empire, and win respect for my people.

Even though the letter is half gone, it still presents some interesting information. Now that you have the dust, you should return to Medora. She might also be able to cast some light on this letter. You quickly return to Direnni tower and the sorceress.

This is indeed the Dust of Restful Death.
As for that letter, it was from Gortwog
to me, though I never got it. I heard from
him later that his orc warriors were slain
attempting to ambush the assassins. Gortwog
and his orcs are not the villains most
people seem them as.
Eadwyre and the court of Wayrest have never
been particularly loyal to the empire. To
assassinate a king is treason. I will have
my revenge, but first I must find out why
Eadwyre would risk this.
I will need a month to prepare the Dust.
Come back to me at that time and I will
give it to you, along with instructions
for its use.

A whole month? Perhaps now would be a good time to take that little vacation you've always wanted. When you return to Medora you'll receive another quest.


  • Random dungeon Monsters
  • Quest Target: One Mummy



  • The dungeon the mummy can be found is defined as a random dungeon of a certain type. However there is a very high chance that this dungeon will be The Masoleum of Darkivaron.
  • If this quest takes place at another random dungeon and you get stuck try this, but only if you got stuck because of a bug.
  • The location of the random dungeon is already revealed on your map when this quest starts, even before you have spoken to Gortwog and besides, he tells you the location of the dungeon at any time after you freed Medora - even before you get her vision.
Prev: Freeing Medora Next: Lysandus' Revelation