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< Daggerfall:Dak'fron

Name Type Dungeon Modules
Ruins of Old Kroshti's Hovel Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Dhoct Orchard Giant Stronghold 14
Ruins of Old Chullta's Shack Desecrated Temple 10
Ruins of D'ernta Manor Crypt 8
Morarker's Nest Scorpion Nest 13
The Lair of Asmer Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Rhistem Grange Mine 12
The Dungeon of D'ork Prison 8
Ruins of The Hold of Vactt Dragon's Den 8
Ruins of Bairp Manor Crypt 12
Sashghu's Web Spider Nest 8
Ruins of The Hold of Shreven Scorpion Nest 10
Ruins of The Firnen Farmstead Giant Stronghold 8
Ruins of Tach Manor Ruined Castle 8
The Nest of Skoerten Scorpion Nest 12
The Hole of Demothah Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Old Tlard-i's Shack Mine 12
Ruins of Old C'uldtha's Shack Scorpion Nest 8
Ruins of B'afyl Grange Ruined Castle 10
The Rilpte Mines Mine 13
Ruins of The Citadel of Tlernrn Scorpion Nest 11
The Tishan Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Saollin Court Human Stronghold 8
Tower Lurchir Dragon's Den 13
Tricerlas Orc Stronghold 13
Ruins of Rloght Hall Dragon's Den 10
The F'isti Assembly Barbarian Stronghold 10
The Lair of Maachim Dragon's Den 10
Ruins of Old Faochi's Hovel Mine 8
Ruins of Old Shrethja's Place Prison 8
The Convocation of Khejsa Barbarian Stronghold 12
Ruins of The Gavir Farmstead Crypt 8
The Vault of Magnehus Crypt 11
Rattdoth's Web Scorpion Nest 12
Ruins of Old V'old-si's Hovel Scorpion Nest 8
Ruins of Klardt Tower Natural Cave 8
Ruins of Thirchir's Hold Human Stronghold 8
Ruins of The Old Bartrn Place Dragon's Den 12
The Morkitheressa Hermitage Desecrated Temple 8
Ruins of Boirpta Manor Ruined Castle 10
The Pit of Gerodon Natural Cave 8
The Dhesun Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Lair of Chorhtam Dragon's Den 8
Ruins of M'icham Manor Natural Cave 14
Vojradoth's Web Scorpion Nest 13
Ruins of The Kisht Farmstead Scorpion Nest 13
The Asmon Cavern Volcanic Caves 10
The Den of Fhorkun Dragon's Den 10
Ruins of The Hold of Shrightar Prison 8
The Lair of Cheghtum Dragon's Den 14
The Morkeus Manse Desecrated Temple 8
Ruins of The Old B'oger Place Spider Nest 8
Ruins of Old Lalpta's Farm Harpy Nest 12
Ruins of Ghachon Orchard Orc Stronghold 8
Nhorin Laboratory Laboratory 10
Ruins of The Hold of Blallum Mine 10
Ruins of Nizon Hall Scorpion Nest 12
Ruins of Chelde Grange Human Stronghold 12
Dispatitherullah's Den Dragon's Den 13
Ruins of The Tower of Rlajrn Giant Stronghold 10
The Geranx Rectory Desecrated Temple 12
Ruins of Shrerchke Manor Human Stronghold 8
Ruins of Castle Churg Crypt 13
Ruins of Cerhtom Tower Giant Stronghold 11
Caurdan Tower Ruined Castle 8
Baust-si Cultus Coven 12
The Helten Web Scorpion Nest 14
Ruins of Kruchta Manor Ruined Castle 10
Ruins of The Old Bivem Shack Prison 10
The Grave of Lord Barenyth Crypt 13
Kharkta Laboratory Laboratory 10
Ruins of The Old Grujan Place Natural Cave 10
The Cairn of Magnezus Crypt 13
The Web of Gromtor Scorpion Nest 8
Ruins of Mirt Manor Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Thild Hall Scorpion Nest 10
The Lair of Thact Dragon's Den 10
The Sahodon Cloister Desecrated Temple 8
Ruins of Faell Court Mine 10
The Nirp Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Old D'urnam Hovel Scorpion Nest 8
Ruins of Blafyler Manor Desecrated Temple 11
Ruins of The Fortress of Fhovin Human Stronghold 8
Ruins of Castle Shrugin Dragon's Den 8
Gripvor's Web Scorpion Nest 8
Ruins of The Churkt Plantation Ruined Castle 10
Ruins of Sterom Manor Crypt 12
Ruins of Old Rlorgki's Shack Mine 8
Ruins of V'irmt Tower Natural Cave 8
Ruins of The Old Cyormt Place Prison 14
Ruins of Castle Nhecter Dragon's Den 13
Boghtam's Hold Ruined Castle 13
Ruins of The Vlush Farmstead Prison 11
Ruins of The Gorchrn Farmstead Natural Cave 13
Ruins of The Dartin Farmstead Crypt 10
Ruins of Krorcim Hall Laboratory 12
The Pit of Dispinx Natural Cave 14
Ruins of B'urder Tower Crypt 8
Ruins of Nujt Court Mine 8
The Web of Grumthor Scorpion Nest 12
Ruins of Lerd Manor Scorpion Nest 8
Ruins of Old Krazba's Hovel Natural Cave 10
Ruins of Old Lhuthi's Shack Volcanic Caves 8
Ruins of Dirdon Grange Dragon's Den 10
Ruins of The Khoghtir Farmstead Harpy Nest 11
The Krermem Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Nest of Anhoth Harpy Nest 8
Ruins of Goghten Court Scorpion Nest 8
Ruins of Buz'kern Grange Scorpion Nest 12
The Jubitherulla Hole Natural Cave 8
The Challur Lode Mine 8
Ruins of The Old Forpta Shack Scorpion Nest 13
Ruins of Tofylir Manor Natural Cave 8
Gereborgonuna's Den Dragon's Den 8
Ruins of Tower Lurtem Giant Stronghold 10
Ruins of B'urmer Manor Ruined Castle 10
Ruins of Tower Thujar Harpy Nest 12
Ruins of Rheld Hall Scorpion Nest 12
Ruins of The Tower of Sitht Dragon's Den 8
The Grurn Lode Mine 12
The Shrine of Jubinxiah Desecrated Temple 12
Ruins of The Old Rauthom Shack Scorpion Nest 14
Ruins of C'eldom Manor Prison 10
Gripirlath Orc Stronghold 14
Ruins of Ghuse Hall Mine 13
Ruins of Caagun Tower Dragon's Den 8
Ruins of The Shirkim Farmstead Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Dushen Manor Human Stronghold 11
Ruins of Old Glerpja's Place Crypt 13