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< Daggerfall:Anticlere

Name Type Dungeon Modules
The Masterford Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Anten Aerie Harpy Nest 8
The Graves of Hearthford Cemetery 5
The Tombs of Wickton Forgotten Cemetery 5
Lord Garelar's Tomb Crypt 13
The Tristyn Reformatory Prison 14
The Fortress of Rodistair Human Stronghold 11
Castle Darkoghulon Vampire Haunt 10
The Gaol of Edworyan Prison 12
The Tower of Hawksly Barbarian Stronghold 12
The Cabal of Barbyvyra Coven 8
Yerathrac Giant Stronghold 8
The Cave of Homunuchoth Natural Cave 11
The Monastery of Dispanxivah Desecrated Temple 12
The Hawkton Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Ashsly Manor Ruined Castle 12
The Cabal of Carolara Coven 12
The Hold of Yeomhart Desecrated Temple 13
The Buckingston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Tower Woodford Ruined Castle 13
The Kingham Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Evelyn Cultus Coven 12
The Buckinghart Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Dunane Quarry Mine 13
The Mordard Quarry Mine 13
Ruins of Wickston Manor Crypt 10
The Mastersmith Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hawkwing Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Woodham Ruins Ruined Castle 10
The Cult of Chrystanna Coven 12
The Citadel of Greenwing Natural Cave 12
The Woodsly Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Laboratory of Gondastyr Laboratory 8
Castle Ashsley Desecrated Temple 10
The Greensly Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Woodhouse Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Hearthston's Guard Barbarian Stronghold 12
The Demanxena Cavern Natural Cave 8
Woodfield's Guard Ruined Castle 10
The Maeluchith Cloister Desecrated Temple 10
Vyctara Cultus Coven 8
Ruins of Hawksley Grange Natural Cave 8
The Gondistyr Tunnel Mine 12
The Hearthsly Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Tower of Masterford Barbarian Stronghold 12
Anotvor Giant Stronghold 13
The Hold of Hawksmith Ruined Castle 14
Balex Hollow Natural Cave 8
The Citadel of Perard Human Stronghold 12
The Lair of Morkitherivah Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Tower Hearthton Ruined Castle 12
The Graves of Ashcroft Cemetery 5
The Crypt of Count Vladobam Crypt 8
The Web of Angoth Spider Nest 12
Rodoryan's Hold Human Stronghold 14
The Crypt of Stadanius Crypt 14
The Lysyssa Coven Coven 12
The Lair of Sahiaminx Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Gaersly Grange Natural Cave 12
The Laboratory of Edwore Laboratory 10
Ruins of Woodcroft Hall Desecrated Temple 8
Tower Hearthwing Coven 13
The Coppersley Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Citadel of Buckington Natural Cave 11
Tower Woodwing Crypt 10
Ruins of Mastersly Manor Giant Stronghold 13
The Fortress of Dunoryan Human Stronghold 8
Ashhouse's Guard Vampire Haunt 13
The Woodton Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
THe Crypts of Wickfield Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Masterhart Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Tower Greenton Ruined Castle 12
Vyctolda Cultus Coven 8
The Crypt of Garomezzar Crypt 13
The Citadel of Copperhart Human Stronghold 13
Ruins of Moorhart Palace Desecrated Temple 8
The Monastery of Baaleus Desecrated Temple 8
The Homuniamul Shrine Desecrated Temple 10
Andyn's Gaol Prison 13
The Gaering Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Cavern of Morkitherullah Natural Cave 13
The Sepulcher of Barezar Crypt 11
THe Crypts of Mastering Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Greenfield Natural Cave 12
The Tower of Moorhouse Coven 12
Copperwing's Hold Natural Cave 13
The Tower of Wickham Human Stronghold 14
Uthard's Guard Human Stronghold 13
Castle Lithomaus Vampire Haunt 13
The Hawksley Crypts Cemetery 5
The Copperfield Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Hawkton Manor Natural Cave 10
The Graves of Hawksmith Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Web of Heznoker Spider Nest 8
Ruins of Yeomton Manor Mine 8
The Masoleum of Magnobon Crypt 11
Kingfield Hall Ruined Castle 10
Vladoboth Hall Vampire Haunt 12
The Buckingsley Vaults Cemetery 5
Ruins of Woodfield Manor Human Stronghold 13
The Barrow of Balthomon Crypt 10
The Greenfield Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Woodwing Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Wickford Coven 13
The Mariblas Monastery Desecrated Temple 13
The Fortress of Rodard Human Stronghold 12
The Morgyssa Tradition Coven 8
The Gondistair Reformatory Prison 13
The Yeomsmith Burial Ground Cemetery 5
The Tower of Greensley Mine 14
The Tower of Ashhouse Ruined Castle 8
Moriman Hall Vampire Haunt 12
The Abbey of Asmeusunah Desecrated Temple 13
The Citadel of Woodston Crypt 10
The Tombs of Moorton Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Copperwing Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Yeomston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hearthsley Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Masoleum of Balthezion Crypt 8
Andyrick's Guard Human Stronghold 8
Castle Inveroghus Vampire Haunt 10
The Gaerham Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Darkenaus Hall Vampire Haunt 8
The Monastery of Demorgon Desecrated Temple 8
THe Crypts of Greenhouse Cemetery 5
Vladulon Hall Vampire Haunt 8
The Gromlath Nest Spider Nest 10
The Tower of Woodsly Ruined Castle 14
The Mines of Rodynak Mine 12
The Community of Belladona Barbarian Stronghold 11
The Pit of Maelebex Natural Cave 8
The Hawkfield Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Demitherena Cavern Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Buckinghart Orchard Human Stronghold 13
The Masterwing Cemetery Cemetery 5
The House of Darkivaryth Vampire Haunt 13
The Citadel of Kingsly Desecrated Temple 11
The Wickhart Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Wicking Palace Coven 12
Anragon Giant Stronghold 12
The Kingford Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Woodhouse Cemetery Cemetery 5
Magnovyth's Tomb Crypt 13
The Tower of Woodston Human Stronghold 12
The Yedon Nest Harpy Nest 8
The Geroginx Hermitage Desecrated Temple 10
The Laboratory of Agryval Laboratory 12
The House of Darkanor Vampire Haunt 10
The Coven of Barborya Coven 8
Castle Gaersly Natural Cave 8
The Hearthsly Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
THe Crypts of Wicksley Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Gaerton Farmstead Vampire Haunt 10
Tower Greenston Ruined Castle 12
The Trogghu Coop Harpy Nest 8
Tower Woodton Vampire Haunt 8
The Stronghold of Kington Coven 8
The Andore Excavation Mine 10
The Yeomcroft Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Barrow of Nebuchulan Crypt 14
THe Crypts of Greensmith Cemetery 5
Vannorya Cultus Coven 13
The Moorhouse Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hold of Gondore Human Stronghold 11
The Aviary of Moritor Harpy Nest 13
Baron Corranius's Tomb Crypt 10
Ruins of Moorhart Manor Ruined Castle 8
Ashhouse's Hold Coven 8
The Moorwing Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Buckingwing Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Ashham Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
THe Crypts of Hawkhouse Cemetery 5
The Tombs of Greenford Forgotten Cemetery 5