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Bloodmoon:Spear of the Hunter

< Items: Artifacts
Spear of the Hunter  Artifact: Spear of the Hunter (BM_hunterspear_unique)
Type Spear
Damage Damage
Chop 12−15 Slash 12−15
Thrust 40-60 Ratio 60 (64 w/ spell)
Health Health 2,000
Health Health 2,000
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.8
Weight Weight 25 Value Value 25,000
Charge/Cost = Uses 540
Spear of the Hunter

The Spear of the Hunter can only be obtained in the main quest if you defeat the Guile form of Hircine at the end of the Main Quest. See the Hircine's Hunt quest for more information. It is the best spear in Bloodmoon, Morrowind, and Tribunal.