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Utilizadora:Kimi the Elf/Kimi's Plane of Oblivion

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♥ Kimi's Plane of Oblivion ♥
Work in Progress! - Arngeir

Kimi's Plane of OblivionPredefinição:NPC Summary/Utilizador Header
Location High Hrothgar
Race Elder Gender Male
Level 150 Class Priest
Other Information
Health 1292 Magicka 50
Faction(s) CrimeFactionGreybeard; Faction for not using casual idles; FavorExcludedFaction; Greybeards; WIAdditem03ExclusionFaction

Arngeir is a powerful Greybeard elder who lives atop High Hrothgar. He tutors the player in the art of using the Voice and acts as the Greybeards' representative, in that he is the only one of the four who can speak safely. He is the right hand of Paarthurnax and has taken it upon himself to zealously guard the Throat of the World.

Related Quests

Quest-Related Events

The Way of the Voice

"If the world is meant to end, so be it."

After defeating Mirmulnir at the Western Watchtower and absorbing his life force a thunderous voice can he heard shouting "Dovakiin". When reporting back to Jarl Balgruuf he informs you that the Greybeards have summoned you to High Hrothgar. Upon entering High Hrothgar Master Arngeir will approach you saying "So... a Dragonborn appears, at this moment in the turning of the age." Asking him what it means to be Dragonborn is he will say "We will see if you truly have the gift. Show us, Dragonborn. Let us taste of your Voice." Should you hesitate he will encourage you by saying "Do not be afraid. Your shout will not harm us." Using the Unrelenting Force shout on him he will respond "Dragonborn. It is you. Welcome to High Hrothgar" and then he will introduce himself "I am Master Arngeir. I speak for the Greybeards." he will then say "Now tell me, Dragonborn, why have you come here?" Asking him who they are he will tell you "We are the Greybeards, followers of the Way of the Voice. You Stand in High Hrothgar, on the slopes of Kynareth's sacred mountain. Here we commune with the voice of the sky, and strive to achieve balance between our inner and outer selves." Asking him again what it means to be Dragonborn he will tell you "We are here to guide you in that pursuit, just as the Greybeards have sought to guide those of the Dragon Blood that came before you." Asking him if you are the only Dragonborn he will tell you that "You are not the first. There have been many of the Dragon Blood since Akatosh first bestowed that gift upon mortalkind. Whether you are the only Dragonborn of this age... that is not ours to know. You are the only one that has been revealed thus far. That is all I can say." He will then tell you that "We are honored to welcome a Dragonborn to High Hrothgar. We will do our best to teach you how to use your gift in fulfillment of your destiny." asking about your destiny he will say "That is for you to discover. We can show you the Way, but not your destination."

Once you are ready to learn how to use your Voice Arngeir will tell you "You have shown that you are Dragonborn. You have the inborn gift. But do you have the discipline and temperament to follow the path laid out for you? That remains to be seen. Without training, you have already taken the first steps towards projecting your Voice into a Thu'um, a Shout. Now let us see if you are willing and able to learn." He will start by explaining what a shout is "When you Shout, you speak in the language of the dragons. Thus, your Dragon Blood gives you an inborn ability to learn Words of Power. All Shouts are made up of three Words of Power. As you master each Word, your Shout will become progressively stronger." Once he is finished explaining, Master Einarth will teach you the word "Ro" and then Arngeir will tell you about it "Master Einarth will now teach you "Ro," the second Word in Unrelenting Force. Ro means "Balance" in the dragon tongue. Combine it with Fus - "Force" - to focus your Thu'um more sharply." Once you have learnt the Word Arngeir will say "You learn a new word like a master... you truly do have the gift. But learning a Word of Power is only the first step... you must unlock its meaning through constant practice in order to use it in a Shout. Well, that is how the rest of us learn Shouts. As Dragonborn, you can absorb a slain dragon's life force and knowledge directly. As part of your initiation, Master Einarth will allow you to tap into his understanding of "Ro."" After you have learnt the word from Einarth, Arngeir will ask you to demonstrate your Thu'um "Now let us see how quickly you can master your new Thu'um. Use your Unrelenting Force shout to strike the targets as they appear." Borri, Einarth and Wulfgar will each summon a target for you to hit with Unrelenting Force, after hitting all three targets Arngeir will be impressed saying "Impressive. Your Thu'um is precise. You show great promise, Dragonborn." He will then send you to your next trail "We will perform your next trial in the courtyard. Follow Master Borri."

Once in the courtyard Arngeir say "We will now see how you learn a completely new Shout. Master Borri will teach you "Wuld," which means "Whirlwind." After Master Borri shouts the word onto the ground Arngeir tell you that "You must hear the Word within yourself before you can project it into a Thu'um." Once you have learnt the word she will tell you to "Approach Master Borri and he will gift you his knowledge of "Wuld."" After receiving Master Borri's knowledge of the Word Arngeir will wish to test you once more saying "Now we will see how quickly you can master a new Shout. Master Wulfgar will demonstrate Whirlwind Sprint. Then it will be your turn." After Master Wulfgar has demonstrated the shout Arngeir will tell you it is your turn Now it is your turn. Stand next to me. Master Borri will open the gate. Use your Whirlwind Sprint to pass through before it closes." Once you have passed through the gate using Whirlwind Sprint an impressed Arngeir will say "Your quick mastery of a new Thu'um is... astonishing. I'd heard the stories of the abilities of Dragonborn, but to see it for myself..." If you tell him that you thought is was easy for everyone he will warn you that "No. Indeed not. But beware that your skill does not outstrip your wisdom." He will then give you your last trial "You are now ready for your last trial. Retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, our founder, from his tomb in the ancient fane of Ustengrav. Remain true to the Way of the Voice, and you will return."

Why are the dragons returning? Does it have something to do with me? "No doubt. The appearance of a Dragonborn at this time is not an accident. Your destiny is surely bound up with the return of the dragons. You should focus on honing your Voice, and soon your path will be made clear."

What does it mean to be "Dragonborn"? "Dragons have the inborn ability to learn and project their Voice. Dragons also are able to absorb the power of their slain brethren. A few mortals are born with similar abilities -- whether a gift or a curse has been a matter of debate down through the centuries. What you have already learned in a few days took even the most gifted of us years to achieve. Some believe that Dragonborn are sent into the world by the gods, at times of great need. We will speak more of that later, when you are ready."

Why are Shouts in the dragon language? "Dragons have always been able to Shout. Language is intrinsic to their very being. There is no difference in the dragon tongue between debating and fighting. Shouting comes as naturally to a dragon as breathing, or speaking. In mythic times, when mortalkind was in great need, the goddess Kynareth granted us the ability to speak as dragons do. For most people, long years of training are required to learn even the simplest Shout. But for you, the dragon speech is in your blood, and you learn it almost without effort."

There are only four of you? "Five. Our leader, Paarthurnax, lives alone on the peak of the Throat of the World. When your Voice can open the path, you will know you are ready to speak to him."

Tell me about the Greybeards. "We study the Way of the Voice, according to the teachings of our founder, Jurgen Windcaller. Very few are permitted to study with us here at High Hrothgar. But in your case, Dragonborn, it is a privilege to guide you towards mastery of your Voice."

Who was Jurgen Windcaller? "He was a great war leader of the ancient Nords, a master of the Voice, or Tongue. After the disaster at Red Mountain, where the Nord army was annihilated, he spent many years pondering the meaning of that terrible defeat. He finally came to realize that the gods had punished the Nords for their arrogant and blasphemous misuse of the Voice. He was the first to understand that the Voice should be used solely for the glory and worship of the gods, not the glory of men. Jurgen Windcaller's mastery of the Voice eventually overcame all opposition, and the Way of the Voice was born."

Why don't the others talk? "Their Voices are too powerful for anyone not trained in the Way to withstand. Even a whisper could kill you."

What is this "Way of the Voice"? "The Voice was a gift of the goddess Kynareth, at the dawn of time. She gave mortals the ability to speak as dragons do. Although this gift has often been misused, the only true use of the Voice is for the worship and glory of the gods. True mastery of the Voice can only be achieved when your inner spirit is in harmony with your outward actions. In the contemplation of the sky, Kynareth's domain, and the practice of the Voice, we strive to achieve this balance."

But I don't follow your philosophy. Why help me learn the Voice? "The Dragonborn is an exception to all the rules - the Dragon Blood itself is a gift of the gods. If we accept one gift, how can we deny the other? As Dragonborn, you have received the ability to Shout directly from Akatosh. We therefore seek to guide you on the proper use of your gift, which transcends the restrictions which bind other mortals."

I will try to follow the Way of the Voice. "That is commendable. But remember, the Dragon Blood is itself a gift of Akatosh. Do not try to deny that gift. Your destiny requires you to use your Voice - why else would Akatosh have bestowed this power upon you? If you remember to use your Voice in service to the purpose of Akatosh, you will remain true to the Way."

The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

When you return to High Hrothgar with the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller Arngeir will say "Ah! You've retrieved the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Well done. You have now passed all the trials." He will then make his way towards the rest of the Greybeards saying "Come with me. It is time for us to recognize you formally as Dragonborn." Once all the Greybeards have gathered he will say "First, Master Wulfgar will teach you the final word of Unrelenting Force. You are ready. You are ready to learn the final word of Unrelenting Force, "Dah," which means "Push." With all three words together, this Shout is much more powerful. Use it wisely." Master Wulfgar will then shout the word onto the ground; after you have learnt it Arngeir will say "Master Wulfgar will now gift you with knowledge of "Dah."" After obtaining the knowledge Arngeir tell you that "You have completed your training, Dragonborn. We would Speak to you." and then request you stand between them for a ceremony "Stand between us, and prepare yourself. Few can withstand the unbridled Voice of the Greybeards. But you are ready." He will then speak to you in the Dragon Tongue "Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok." After withstanding the Voice of the Greybeards he will welcome you saying "Dovahkiin. You have tasted the Voice of the Greybeards, and passed through unscathed. High Hrothgar is open to you." Asking him what the ceremony was about he will tell you that "We spoke the traditional words of greeting to a Dragonborn who has accepted our guidance. The same words were used to greet the young Talos, when he came to High Hrothgar, before he became the Emperor Tiber Septim." Asking what they actually said he will reply "Ah. I sometimes forget you are not versed in the dragon tongue as we are. This is a rough translation Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon. By our breath we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of Old. You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North, hearken to it."

The Throat of the World

After meeting with the Blades and learning of a Shout that was used to defeat Alduin in the past the Blades send you to ask the Greybeards for the Shout"Where did you learn of that? Who have you been talking to?" asking if it matters "Yes. For matters of such gravity, we need to know where you stand. Or who you stand with." Telling him that who you stand with is not his business "If you wish to stand alone, so be it. If you wish for our help, you'll answer my question. Where did you learn of a Shour used to defeat Alduin?" When you reveal that it was recorded on Alduin's Wall he responds "The Blades! Of course. They specialize in meddling in matters they barely understand. Their reckless arrogance knows no bounds. They have always sought to turn the Dragonborn from the path of wisdom. Have you learned nothing from us? Would you simply be a tool in the hands of the Blades, to be used for their own purposes?"

The Blades are helping me. I'm not their puppet. "No, no, of course not. Forgive me, Dragonborn. I have been intemperate with you. But heed my warning - the Blades may say they serve the Dragonborn, but they do not. They never have."
The Blades just want to defeat Alduin. Don't you? "What I want is irrelevant. This Shout was used once before, was it not? And here we are again. Have you considered that Alduin was not meant to be defeated? Those who overthrew him in ancient times only postponed the day of reckoning, they did not stop it. If the world is meant to end, so be it. Let it end and be reborn."
At least the Blades aren't keeping secrets from me. "Do not be so sure about that. Beware - the Blades may claim to serve the Dragonborn, but they do not. They never have. As for me, I kept from you only what you were not yet ready to know. Are still not ready to know, as your question reveals."
Arngeir teachs Clear Skies

Asking if he can teach you the Shout he says "No. I cannot teach it to you because I do not know it. It is called "Dragonrend", but its Words of Power are unknown to us. We do not regret this loss. Dragonrend holds no place within the Way of the Voice." Telling him you thought they knew all the Words of Power he tells you "But not Dragonrend. The knowledge of that Shout was lost in the time before history began. Perhaps only its creators ever knew it. But I am not the one to speak of it to you." Asking what is so bad about Dragonrend he tels you "It was created by those who had lived under the unimaginable cruelty of Alduin's Dragon Cult. Their whole lives were consumed with hatred for dragons, and they poured all their anger and hatred into this Shout. When you learn a Shout, you take it into your very being. In a sense, you become the Shout. In order to learn and use this Shout, you will be taking this evil into yourself." Asking how can I defeat Alduin if the Shout is lost he tells you "Only Paarthurnax, the master of our order, can answer that question, if he so chooses. He is our leader. He surpasses us all in his mastery of the Way of the Voice. He lives in seclusion on the very peak of the mountain. He speaks to us only rarely, and never to outsiders. Being allowed to see him is a great privilege. Only those whose Voice is strong can find the path. Come. We will teach you a Shout to open the way to Paarthurnax." he will then walk outside towards the gate in the courtyard . Once there he will teach you all three Words of Power for Clear Skies and give you his knowledge of the Shout "The path to Paarthurnax lies through this gate. I will show you how to open the way. Clear Skies will blow away the mist, but only for a time. The path to Paarthurnax is perilous, not to be embarked upon lightly. Keep moving, stay on your goal, and you will reach the summit."

Elder Knowledge

The Fallen

Season Unending

"You were not invited here. You are not welcome here."
Arngeir oversees the Civil War ceasefire

hen Delphine and Esbern argument between the Blades and the Greybeards breaks out:

Delphine: "So, Arngeir, is it? You know why we're here. Are you going to let us in or not?"
Arngeir: "You were not invited here. You are not welcome here."
Delphine: "We have as much right to be at this council as all of you. More, actually, since we were the ones that put the Dragonborn on this path."
Arngeir: "Were you? The hubris of the Blades truly knows no bounds"
If Paarthurnax has been killed
Arngeir: "I know what path you set [him/her] on. And now Paarthurnax's wisdom is lost to us, just when we need it most."
Delphine: "[He/She] did what had to be done. It was long overdue. My only regret is that I wasn't able to kill him myself."
If you have instead agreed to not kill Paarthurnax
Arngeir: "We know what path you've set [him/her] on. But [he/she] has made a different choice. Paarthurnax is still safe from your malice."
Delphine: "For now. The Blades' memory is long, as you know."
Delphine: "If it were up to you, the Dragonborn would sit dreaming on this mountain doing nothing!"
Esbern: "Delphine, we're not here to rehearse old grudges. The matter at hand is urgent. Alduin must be stopped. You wouldn't have called this council if you didn't agree. We know a great deal about the situation and the threat that Alduin poses to us all. You need us here if you want this council to succeed."
Arngeir: ""Sighs" Very well. You may enter."


When you return from Sovngarde Arngeir will greet you saying "I can see it in your eyes - you've seen the land of the gods and returned. Does this mean... is it done? Is Alduin truly defeated?" Telling him you went to Sovngarde and killed Alduin he says "At last. It is over. Perhaps it was all worth it, in the end. You've shown yourself mighty, both in Voice and deed. In order to defeat Alduin, you've gained mastery of dreadful weapons. Now it is up to you to decide what to do with your power and skill. Will you be a hero whose name is remembered in song throughout the ages? Or will your name be a curse to future generations? Or will you merely fade from history, unremembered? Let the Way of the Voice be your guide, and the path of wisdom will be clear to you. Breath and focus, Dragonborn. Your future lies before you." Telling Arngeir that you didn't absorb Alduin's soul and asking if he could really be dead he will say "Perhaps, perhaps not. Dragons are not like normal mortal creatures, and Alduin is unique even among dragonkind. He may be permitted to return at the end of time to fulfill his destiny as the World-Eater. But that is for the gods to decide. You have done your part."


The Words of Power

Arngeir feels the Thu'um resonate from Words of Power

When asking to learn more about the Voice Arngeir will tell you that "You have learned so much already, Dragonborn. Growing your gift too quickly would be dangerous. But there are many Words of Power in Skyrim, carved in the Dragon tongue. Even from here, we can feel the Thu'um resonate from them. Finding these lost Words would be a sufficient test, to temper your abilities with experience. Ask when you are ready to search." Asking him to locate a Words of Power he replies "We have felt the whisper of a Word. Give me your map, and I will show you where its echo can be found." however if there are no more words to learn he will say "There is only silence right now. Perhaps later we will hear one of the lost Words."


  • Through the quest The Words of Power, Arngeir can provide the player with word wall locations.
  • Arngeir is the only Greybeard who can freely speak, whereas the other three Greybeards cannot even whisper without causing an earthquake. This is because he is the strongest of his fellow Greybeards (excluding Paarthurnax) and has learned how to control his voice and speak normally.
  • He is voiced by Christopher Plummer.
  • He is the highest level NPC in the base game, at level 150. With Dragonborn installed, Miraak can reach the same level.