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General Gameplay Tips

Saving Tips:

  1. The game crashes a lot so save every now and then.
  2. After something big like a quest completed, tough monster killed, or successfully stealing something.
  3. Before resting as you may get attacked with very low health.
  4. Have back up saves; two or three should work.

Traveling Tips:

  1. When traveling if time is not a problem rest at inns, it will fully restore you and insures you dont show up at night and have to climb the walls or wait for day break. if your in a hurry recklessly will get you there faster.
  2. Being a member of a knightly guild allows you to stay in inns for free.

Exploring Dungeons Tips:

Daggerfall's dungeons are huge, they can span many levels, and its easy to get lost in one quickly. If your looking for something it can take hours to find sometimes unless you have a plan.

There are some tips for exploring dungeons.

  1. Learn how to use the map and check it constantly. It will let you know if you have been down this path before, if the dead bodies and open doors where not clues enough. It is also easy to see secret doors and things you missed on the map once you know what to look for.
  2. Come up with a method of dungeon exploring. Follow the right hand wall as much as you can, when you cant do it anymore do the left. Don t go down or up a level in till your explore all you can on the level your on.
  3. Get a Horse and Wagon as soon as possible, a great asset to have and can carry 750 kg of loot form dungeons (Wagon in original game can carry 1000 kg. Early patches reduced this to 500 kg, but later patches bumped it back up to 750 kg.)

Easy Money:

Graveyards are a good source of income if you don’t mind grinding, and spawn abuse. Each crypt is small, has a few monsters and has several piles of loot in them, and they re-spawn so you can go to one, go back to town and come back, and do it again.

Weightless Equipment:

If you have a wagon you can have equipment weight nothing. Put all of you want to weigh nothing in your wagon. Go to the merchant and open the wagon tab, then exit the menu. Check your equipment and it should be zero weight, if you unequipped the item it goes to your wagon which may be a bad thing. [verification needed — see talk page]

Hints on Thieving

Getting in the Thieves Guild : To join the Thieves guild you have to attempt to pick 10 pockets, it don’t matter if you did or did not get caught. Once you do, you will get a letter giving you an item to steal, once you do and give the item to the person they tell you to go to, you will be part of the guild. If you don’t want trouble with the law you can do all of this in dungeons and it will have no bad affects. You can also raise your skill very fast this way.

The Best Stores to Rob:

At low levels the best place to rob is Pawn and general stores, at higher levels smiths give you far more gold, book stores are not worth it as you still have to steal the books once inside [verification needed — Don t you have to do this for all of them anyway?]

Magic Thief :

A quick and easy way to get in to stores is to make a open spell with the lowest possible chance, for some reason, they will open the door in to the store with out fail, whats more is it wont attract guards, this only works in towns and on the outside door, not doors within.

Thief Tips:

  1. If you completely empty a shelf and select it again, it will have restocked. [verification needed — see talk page]
  2. Don't steal more than one horse or cart as you cannot get rid of them and may crash the game.[verification needed — see talk page]
  3. Go to a shop and loiter in there until the store closes, which is usually around midnight. After the shop closes, approach the shelves and you'll be able to remove items without being charged for them. Providing you haven't saved and reloaded your game or left and re-entered the store the shop keeper will still hang around inside and will happily buy back all of his stolen goods at market value.

Saving ScreenShots

To save a screen shot press the """\""" the backslash key. Some claim it can only have up to 10 saved at a time, others say it is unlimited. It mat be based on the version. It seems when you quite and start again the files are overwrote and you lose that data. It seems to only work on the main game display and not during pauses or other menus. [verification needed — All of this needs to be tested.]

Several Bugs to Avoid

  1. Making a super item with soul gems will cause the game to crash or have many problems .
  2. The repair bug - this is triggered by any item enchanted with repair, causing error 2 upon entering a ship, or error 117 when an item repair event occurs (about every 2 minutes). It doesn't happen all the time, so there's probably some other factor involved. (Fixed in early patch)
  3. Falling through elevators can happen by continually jumping while on them. Don't access your inventory / character sheet while riding one as the platform is still moving, but you will remain stationary while in the other sheet, causing you to fall when you return to the game, which will lead you to the void.
  4. When you get "stuck" on nothing, or even fall through the ground to the void use Ctrl + F11 it will port you back to the last area the game has you on, be warned it can port you high up and cause you to fall to your death if you don’t cast slow fall.