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SandboxPredefinição:NPC Summary/Utilizador Header
Home City Cheydinhal
House Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Race Breton Gender Male
Level PC+5 Class Assassin
Other Information
Health 35 + (4+1)x(PC+4), PC=1-38
Magicka 188 + 3.5x(PC+4) (max=300)
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood Executioner(Executioner); Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Dwellers

Vicente Valtieri is a Breton assassin and a member of the Dark Brotherhood. He is your first contract-giver in the Guild. He was stricken with vampirism while he was in an expedition to Morrowind, and after he deems you worthy he will offer to pass you the "dark gift".

Before you have spoken with him to get your first assignment he will spend the full day waiting patiently for you in his private quarters, without ever eating or sleeping. Once he has introduced himself, he will then resume his normal schedule. Everyday he sleeps in his quarters from 6am to 10am. Once he has woken up, he will find a suitable spot where he can sit and read either of the two books that he is carrying. After a reading for a period of six hours, he will then leave his quarters to stroll around the rest of the Sanctuary for the rest of the day, until finally retreating to his quarters for his sleep.

His attire consists of a few rare pieces of clothing: a dark shirt and a pair of black wide pants, both of which are zero weight items, along with a pair of leather boots and a gold necklace. He is armed with a leveled longsword, which can be enchanted, but he also carries an unenchanted longsword and an extra enchanted claymore, which are both leveled. He also possesses a copy of Guide to Cheydinhal, a copy of The Five Tenets, the key that unlocks the abandoned house, and a leveled amount of gold.

Once you've joined the Brotherhood, you can speak to Vicente about several topics. Upon asking about Lucien Lachance, Vicente will tell you: "When I first joined the family, this Sanctuary was controlled by another Speaker. Lucien took over when she was killed while fulfilling a contract." When asked about the Night Mother he will reveal: "The Night Mother speaks to only one member of the Dark Brotherhood -- the Listener of the Black Hand. And when Our Lady speaks, death follows." If you also ask him about rumors, he will reveal information about a very prominent vampire, namely Janus Hassildor, the Count of Skingrad: "The Count of Skingrad is not all he seems. Let's just say I'm not the only one who enjoys his evenings..." He will also tell you about the Sanctuary: "This Sanctuary has been here since before even I joined the Dark Brotherhood, and that was two-hundred years ago." Lastly, he will provide puzzling information about Sithis: "Sithis is the darkness of time immemorial. He is no Daedra, and dwells not in the realm of Oblivion. No, Sithis is something altogether... different." Note that it is possible to ask him about a Cure for Vampirism at this point; this will trigger a bug and start the Darkness Eternal quest prematurely.

From this point forward, Vicente's attitude depends on his disposition towards you. When you get near him with his disposition raised above 70, he will greet you by saying: "You are like a dark gift from the Night Mother herself. Please, tell me how I can help." If his disposition is between 30 and 70, he will instead say: "Hello, my Brother/Sister." If his disposition is below 30, he will downright hate you: "Were I not ordered to assist you I would forgo the Tenets and feast on your blood!" Also, when exiting conversation, his departing dialogue also depends on his disposition towards you, and he will either say: "Spill some blood for me, dear Brother/Sister." "Farewell, Brother/Sister." or even "Blech! I would not feed on you if you were the last warm body in Tamriel!"

Related Quests

Dark Brotherhood Quests

Imperial City Quests

Quest-related Events

A Knife in the Dark

When he sees you for the first time, he will comment: "Ah, here you are. So good to finally meet you." and will then introduce himself and explain his pale appearance: "Warmest greetings to you. I trust you've already spoken with Ocheeva? I am Vicente Valtieri. I provide assignments for all new family members. Please, do not let my appearance... unnerve you. The needs and Tenets of the Dark Brotherhood come before my own needs as a vampire. Now, if you're ready to get to work, I can provide you with your first contract." When you ask him about the contract, he will go on to explaining what a contract is: "A contract is a secret pact one enters into with the Dark Brotherhood. They provide us with gold, and we remove someone from existence. A contract is fulfilled by a skilled assassin such as yourself, who keeps the Dark Brotherhood's end of the bargain. So it has always been. While carrying out a contract, you may have the opportunity to earn a bonus if certain parameters are met. Now, let's begin, shall we? I'm not sure how you feel about pirates, but you've got to kill one. A captain, in fact. On his ship. Surrounded by his crew. Interested?" At this point it is possible to ask him to elaborate on the supposed bonuses: "Some contracts are straightforward. Find the target, eliminate them, then return to the Sanctuary. No time limits or complications. However, many of our clients request that their contracts be carried out in a specific manner. A certain place, a certain method of elimination. We try to honor these requests whenever possible. After all, the Dark Brotherhood's reputation has been built on providing... good service. Any Brother or Sister who can complete a contract while following a specific request will receive a valuable bonus, oftentimes a powerful magic item. When you approach him again, he will ask: I trust you've had time to get settled? The contract is available whenever you are."

A Watery Grave

If you deny the contract, he will say: "Pity. I'm eager to see how you fare on your first assignment. Well, the contract will still be here when you're ready." Once you accept the contract, he will fill you in on what needs to be done: "Excellent. Here is what you must do. Go to the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. There you will find a ship named the Marie Elena. Board the ship and find its captain, Gaston Tussaud. He'll be in his cabin. Eliminate Tussaud in any manner you see fit. The pirates have been moving a lot of cargo onboard lately. You may be able to smuggle yourself onboard in one of the packing crates. Oh, and one more thing. Get into the habit of asking your fellow family members about any current contract. Their insight may prove invaluable." If you ask him about the contract again, he will elaborate on Gaston Tussaud: "As a pirate, Gaston Tussaud has certainly spilled his share of blood. Someone wants revenge, and they've hired us to extract it." If you greet him again before having killed the captain, he will tell you: "Let's not waste time on pleasantries. Gaston Tussaud is still alive, and it's your job to remedy that. I suggest you tend to your duties."

For this quest, there are no requirements for a bonus. When you complete the quest, return to Vicente he will then hand you the Black Band as your reward and say: "So, the pirate has been eliminated. Excellent. No one will mourn his passing, and Sithis has been appeased. Please accept this Black Band as your reward. It is a ring whose powers are quite useful to those who value... discretion." When you approach him to accept the next contract, he will say: "I'm glad you've returned. The contract is waiting, if you're ready."

Accidents Happen

Vicente will then elaborate what is needed to be done on the next contract available: "We need you to stage an... accident. Kill the target in the manner specified, and you'll receive a considerable bonus. Do you accept this contract?" If you decline, he will be disappointed: "Well then, I suggest you get your affairs in order and return to me as soon as you're able." However, once you accept, he will fill you in on the details: "As I expected. Good. The target is a Wood Elf named Baenlin. You will find him at his home in Bruma. Enter secretly, and avoid his manservant, Gromm. On the second floor is a secret door leading to a crawlspace. Inside are the fastenings of a mounted head that hangs over Baenlin's favorite chair. Loosen those fastenings any night between 8:00pm and 11:00pm, and the head will surely fall on Baenlin as he relaxes in his chair, as is his custom. If Baenlin is eliminated in any other manner, or if the manservant Gromm is killed, you will forfeit the bonus. Now go, and may Sithis be with you." When you ask him about the contract again, he will elaborate: "You are to travel to Bruma, enter the house of the Wood Elf Baenlin, and kill him. It should look like an accident. I'm sure you can handle it." If you try to speak with him again before the contract is completed, he will tell you to hurry: "Every moment that Baenlin draws breath is an affront to Sithis and the Night Mother. Fulfill the contract and honor the Brotherhood as you should."

When you return from the and didn't manage to fulfill what the client wanted, he will promote you to Slayer but will not hand you the bonus. He will also say to you: "Baenlin is dead, yes, but you did not fulfill the contract precisely as directed. I will grant your reward of gold, but the bonus is forfeit. Despite this misfortune, you are ready for advancement. I appoint you Slayer for the Dark Brotherhood. Now go, and continue to serve Sithis well." If you managed to stage Baenlin’s death to the requirements, he will commend you on a job well done: "So, the accident has been staged, and Baenlin lies dead. Well done! You have more than earned your reward and bonus. I present to you this dagger. It's an enchanted blade, known as Sufferthorn. Its prick is deadly, I assure you. Yes, you are quite an asset to this Sanctuary. In fact, I believe you are ready for advancement. I hereby appoint you Slayer. Well done! Now go, child of Sithis. Go and rest. You'll need it." This will complete the quest, and when you approach him to accept the next contract, he will remark: "Back for more? It just so happens I have another contract available, one that requires an expert in infiltration."

Scheduled for Execution

If you decline his offer for the contract, he will say: "Hmm. I thought you'd jump at the opportunity to infiltrate the most heavily fortified prison in all of Cyrodiil. Maybe I overestimated you after all." When asked about the contract, he will hint at the job at hand: "Ever broken out of jail? How do you feel about breaking into one? The Imperial Prison, to be exact. We need a prisoner... silenced. Can you do it?" If you accept, he will tell you what must be done: "As always, you fail to disappoint me. Your target is a Dark Elf named Valen Dreth. He thinks he's safe in prison. He is tragically mistaken. A prisoner recently escaped from the prison, using a set of secret tunnels connecting to the Imperial City's sewer system. It's a perfect way inside. Just outside the Imperial Prison is a grating that leads to the sewers. It has recently been tightly locked, but I will provide a key. It should be easy enough to locate Dreth in his small cell. Besides, I think you know the way, hmmm. He he he he he. Valen Dreth has been imprisoned for many years. His tongue is sharp, but his body is limp and frail. He will prove an easy, pleasurable kill. You will receive a bonus if you fulfill the contract without killing any of the prison guards. Now go, and may the Night Mother go with you." If you ask him about the contract again, he will repeat: "You must infiltrate the Imperial Prison and kill Valen Dreth, a Dark Elf. He should be easy enough to eliminate, once you actually get inside." If you approach him again before the contract is fulfilled, he will dismiss you by saying: "Why does Valen Dreth still live? Breaking into the Imperial Prison is difficult, I know, but the contract must be fulfilled."

Once you return from the Imperial Prison, Vicente will once again be disappointed for you not completing all of the requirements: "Valen Dreth lies dead, but why the unsanctioned bloodshed? You seem to lack... discipline. Here is your reward, but I'm afraid the bonus is forfeit." However, if you completed the task successfully, he will be more happy and hand you the Scales of Pitiless Justice as a bonus: "So, you infiltrated the Imperial Prison, eliminated Valen Dreth, and killed not one guard. Most excellent! In addition to your standard reward, I present to you this bonus. Behold, the Scales of Pitiless Justice! While carried, the scales will magically enhance your Strength, Intelligence and Agility... but diminish your Personality. A powerful tool indeed." This will complete the quest, and when you approach him to accept the next contract, he will confide: "I have a special contract that needs fulfillment. In truth, I don't wish to offer it to any other family member. I've come to rely on your abilities."

The Assassinated Man

If you decline the contract, Vicente will be disappointed and tell you: "As you wish. Just remember, had I issued a direct order, you would not have been able to refuse. So say the Tenets. Consider what I have said." Once you accept the assignment however, he will explain you the details of the contract: "You must go to the city of Chorrol and break into the house of Francois Motierre. Inside you will find Motierre waiting for you. Do not kill him! You see, Francois Motierre is a marked man. He owes a considerable sum to the wrong kind of people. So, they have sent an enforcer to kill him. This is an unusual contract, Motierre had to make a special arrangement with us before it was approved. I trust in your professionalism." If you inquire about how they agreed to this unusual contract, he will explain: "The Dark Brotherhood is not in the business of staging deaths, no matter how much gold is offered. Sithis demands blood, and blood must be paid. In order to accept the contract, we demanded a life. Motierre offered his mother, and we accepted. Lucien has already taken care of that... detail." If you also ask him about the blade, he will go on to say either: "The knife I gave you has been coated with a rare poison called Languorwine. You need only cut Motierre once, and he will appear to die." or "The blade has been coated with a rare poison called Languorwine. One drop in a normal human bloodstream will mimic the effects of death immediately. I have provided you with a vial of antidote, which will be used to revive Francois Motierre after you successfully stage his death. You should also know that there's only enough Languorwine on the blade for this one contract. After Motierre is sliced, the knife will be useless."

When you return after having failed the contract, Vicente will have two different dialogue options. If you failed the quest by killing Motierre he will say: "So, Francois Motierre has been killed. He hired us, sacrificed his own mother's blood, and we could not even fulfill our end of the bargain" If you killed Hides-His-Heart, he will then say: "So, the enforcer Hides-His-Heart has been killed. He was to bear witness of Motierre's death, and report back to his superiors." Either way he will conclude with: "By failing to fulfill this contract, you have brought shame upon us all. Leave me now, and contemplate your uselessness as a member of this family." However, if you successfully completed the contract, he will say "Ah, so Motierre has escaped? Well done! As payment, I am pleased to award you this amulet, Cruelty's Heart, as well as another advancement in rank. I hereby bestow upon you the title of Eliminator. Your blood is cold, your heart hard. You exemplify everything the Dark Brotherhood stands for. I present to you now this key. It unlocks the well behind the Abandoned House above. Use it to gain hidden, quick access to this Sanctuary." At this point, Vicente will have no more contracts to give you and will direct you to speak with Ocheeva: "Well now, you are an ambitious one, aren't you? I'm afraid I have no more contracts for you. Our time working together has come to an end. Instead, you must report to Ocheeva, here in the Sanctuary. She will be providing all your contracts from now on, and is waiting for you as we speak. Before you go, however, I intend to make good on an offer I made some time ago. As a vampire, I may pass my gift on to others as I see fit. You have served me well, and I choose now to extend that gift to you. Shall I use my dark powers and turn you into a vampire?"

Darkness Eternal

  • Note: If you want to take up Vincente's offer of becoming a Vampire, you must do so before the quest The Purification begins.

At this point, you may now decide whether you wish to become a vampire or not. If you accept his offer, he will exclaim either: "Most excellent! Here is what you must do. Simply go to sleep here in the Sanctuary, at any time, and I will visit you as you slumber. I will wrap you in vampirism's dark embrace. You'll never even know I was there. But when you awaken, we will be of the same blood. Once infected with vampirism, you must wait three days and then sleep once more. Then the Dark Gift will truly take hold. Sleep now, and awake anew!" or "Ah, most excellent! Here is what you must do. Simply go to sleep here in the Sanctuary, at any time, and I will visit you as you slumber. I will wrap you in vampirism's dark embrace. You'll never even know I was there. But when you awaken, we will be of the same blood. Once infected with vampirism, you must wait three days and then sleep once more. Then the Dark Gift will truly take hold. Sleep now, and awake anew!" If you decline his offer, he will simply say: "Yes, I can understand your trepidation. For it is not everyday one is invited to join the ranks of the undead, eh? If you ever change your mind, fear not. My offer will always be open. Simply return and speak to me about the Dark Gift, and we can proceed." If you decline his offer, you can return to Vicente later and express your reconsideration, in which he will respond: "Ah, you are interested, then? Shall I pass along the terrible power of my Dark Gift? Do you wish to become a vampire? Sleep, dear friend. Sleep. And awake anew."

Once you've gone to sleep, Vicente will greet you upon awakening by saying: "The blessed curse of vampirism now flows through your veins. Be patient. Wait the entire three days, then sleep. Your dreams will guide the way." After followiing his instructions and waiting three days before sleeping, you will become a full vampire, and he will remark: "My dear friend, the Dark Gift is yours! You are now a vampire! A creature of the night! We are now kin! As a vampire you must feed regularly. The longer you go without blood, the stronger you will become, but there are dramatic adverse effects as well. Forgo your feeding, and you will no longer be able to blend into "normal" society. You will be shunned as a monster. And let's not forget sunlight... In short, you will become like me. Heh, yes, it's true. I'm quite the social pariah. After a few hundred years the change happened on its own. But you need not worry about that now. Maybe in a few centuries, hmm? Just remember, blood is your salvation!"

Cure for Vampirism

If you wish to cure your vampirism, you may ask Vicente himself if there is any known cure for it, to which he will tell you: "A cure? Yes... Yes, I believe it's possible. A mage named Raminus Polus has done some research. He's in the Imperial City, at the Arcane University." You will now be directed to speak with Raminus Polus about a possible cure.

Other Quests

Just like the other members of the Sanctuary, Vicente will happily give you some useful advice on your contracts. He will however, provide some very hateful responses if his disposition is below 30:

Quest Like Hate
The Lonely Wanderer "The Elves of the Imperial City are a fairly close-knit community. One of them will have at least heard of Faelian. You should ask around." "I look at you and wonder how you're still alive, considering your utter incompetence as an assassin. With any luck, this contract will be your last."
Bad Medicine "These mercenary groups tend to be fanatically loyal to whomever leader they follow. Roderick's people will likely fight to the death. Be cautious." "Roderick is a mercenary leader, and his people are fanatically loyal. They will cut you to ribbons if they see you. And they will see you."
Whodunit? "The key to successfully completing this contract is effectively blending in with the other guests. So for Sithis' sake, do not wear your hood..." "So, it's to be five against one, is it? The odds are against you. With any luck, you'll be dead within an hour."
Permanent Retirement "Phillida may be retired, but he'll likely have a bodyguard, probably a member of the Leyawiin City Watch. You may have to dispose of him as well." "What madness has stricken the Black Hand, that they would trust such an important task to someone so very useless?"

Also if you ask if Vicente has any more contracts for you, he will reply with either: "As I mentioned, I have no more contracts available. You'll need to speak with Ocheeva." or "As I mentioned, I have no more contracts available. You'll need to speak with Ocheeva. Unless... you would like to discuss another matter?" if you haven't considered Vicente's offer. If you have accepted his offer, he will tell you: "As I mentioned, I have no more contracts available. You'll need to speak with Ocheeva. But first you should go and sleep! Your dark gift awaits..." or if you have already become a full vampire, he will remark: "Greetings... greetings fellow stalker of the damned! Enjoy your new gift. And don't forget to speak with Ocheeva! She has a contract waiting for you."

The Purification

During the quest The Purification, you are sent to kill all the remaining members of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Before you head off to meet Lucien Lachance at Fort Farragut, you can ask Vicente for his opinion on the matter, in which he will tell you: "Lachance would not have selected you for a contract unless he had the utmost confidence in your abilities. Best not let him down."


  • Vicente has a scripted "Weakness to Garlic". If he is carrying any garlic, he is inflicted with Damage Strength 100pts, Damage Endurance 100pts, Weakness to Normal Weapons 100%, and Weakness to Magic 100%. Since garlic is a zero weight item, it can be reverse pickpocketed onto Vicente if you wish to dramatically weaken him.
    • In Vicente's desk in the Cheydinhal sanctuary, there is a note addressed to Ocheeva. The note amusingly berates Antoinetta Marie for her horrible cooking, and then goes into detail about Vicente's garlic "allergy". It also mentions that other vampires are not in fact affected by this weakness. This note is likely meant as a hint to let the player know about Vicente's Weakness to Garlic.
  • Vicente's AI package (DarkVicenteCatChat) target during his schedule from 4pm to 12am is set to M'raaj-Dar in a radius of 600 ft. Since M'raaj-Dar spends his day changing from location, Vicente will follow him, always trying to get as close to him as possible.
  • Vicente mentions being inflicted with Vampirism in Vvardenfell, which should make him an unofficial member of one of the three bloodlines there (Berne, Aundae, or Quarra). However, the type of vampirism he gives you is the same as all other vampires in Cyrodiil.


  • It is possible to ask Vicente about a cure for vampirism from the very beginning, even if you are not a vampire. This will trigger stage 110 of the quest Darkness Eternal prematurely, but Raminus Polus will have nothing to say on the subject.