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< People / Trainers
Sandbox3Predefinição:NPC Summary/Utilizador Header
Location Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Dawnstar Sanctuary
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level PC×1 (range=5-50) Class Assassin
Other Information
Health 150+(PC-1)×8.3
Magicka 50+(PC-1)×1.7
Faction(s) DarkBrotherhoodFaction; FavorExcludedFaction; Light Armor Trainer; Skill Trainer
Nazir considering his next contract

Nazir is a Redguard assassin and a member of the Dark Brotherhood. He will offer you contracts upon joining the Dark Brotherhood. He is also a master trainer in Light Armor.

When inquired about himself, he will reveal that he grew up in the deserts of Hammerfell, "where the blood is a color of indescribable crimson". He is apparently not proud of his past (though he will not explain what he did), and explains that after the Dark Brotherhood saved him, he tries to forget it.

He often makes jokes or sarcastic comments about the contracts he sends the player on—for example, after reporting back and telling Nazir a mine owner in Dawnstar is dead, he says "Of course she is. I hear the mining business is extremely cutthroat. And those hours... they're murder." He seems to enjoy making these jokes, commenting "I could do this all day!"

He is not very happy with the arrival of Cicero and the Night Mother, saying that he dislikes a vast majority of entertainers, and jesters in particular. He also says that he's also not too keen on long-dead corpses of old women, and that although he'll make an exception for the Night Mother, he makes it clear that he'll only ever answer to Astrid.

He is one of the few survivors of the attack on the sanctuary during the quest Death Incarnate.

After the Dawnstar Sanctuary is established, he will permanently relocate to the main room and can still offer the player contracts that have not yet been completed. If Cicero is there, he will not be surprised, but he'll make a futile request of you to stop him from dancing and singing.

Related Quests


Player: What can you tell me about yourself?

Nazir: Ah, well, I'm a Redguard, as I'm sure you've noticed. Though not like most of my kind you'll find in Skyrim, that's for damned sure.

Alternatively, if the player is a Redguard, he will say Ah, well, I'm Redguard, as I'm sure you've noticed. Though not like you. Hmph. No, definitely not like you.

I'm a child of Hammerfell, born of the sands of the mighty Alik'r. In that great desert, blood is a shade of crimson I can scarce describe. My past is long and storied, and not altogether proud. But the Dark Brotherhood saved me from myself. And I never looked back.

Once Cicero arrives with the Night Mother

Once the contract is finish

Player: What are your thoughts on Cicero and the Night Mother?

Nazir: I don't like mimes, minstrels, or thespians, or tumblers. Flutist give me a headache. I particularly hate jesters. As a rule, I'm also not crazy about the corpses of old woman. For the Night Mother, I'll make an exception. But Astrid is the only mistress I serve.

During Whispers in the Dark

Player: Astrid thinks a Family member may be conspiring with Cicero.

Nazir: Does she? Listen, brother/sister... Astrid is my mistress, and I worship the ground she walks on. But this Cicero business has her a bit... paranoid.

During The Cure for Madness

Player: Any thoughts on the current situation?

Nazir: Going after Cicero now would be a fool's errand. That little jester is currently being digested in Arnbjorn's stomach, mark my words.

Dialogue(Primary Quests)

Nazir during Sanctuary


When Nazir is first meet during the quest Sanctuary he will greet you.

Nazir:So you're the newest member of our dwindling, dysfunctional, little family. I've heard quite a bit about you.

Player's Choice Nazir's Response
It's a pleasure to meet you. Save the niceties for now. I have no intentions of getting invested in someone who may be dead tomorrow. If your still breathing in a few weeks, I'm sure we'll be the best of friends.
You will hear even more, I assure you. Ooh, cocky. I give you three days before you screw up and someone runs a knife across your throat. But who knows? I've been proven wrong before.
(Remain Silent) Ah, going for the mysterious and brooding thing hmm? That may work for your targets, but you'll find I'm not so easily impressed.

Player: Astrid said you'd have some work for me.

Nasir: Did she now? Well, as it turns out, there are a few lingering contracts we haven't had a chance to complete just yet. And more, dribbling in from time to time. I'll assign them to you as they become available. To be completed at your leisure.

Player: Sounds simple enough.

Nazir: It is. These aren't particularly glamorous assassinations. I'll be honest. Don't pay much, either. But they'll keep you busy. Just do them as your able. There's no real time limit- the targets aren't going anywhere. You can turn each one in as it's completed, or wait and turn in the whole group when all the targets have been eliminated. Which ever works for you.

Player: I'm ready for the first set of contracts.

Nazir: Well the, let's get started. I've got three available right now. You're targets are the beggar Narfi, an ex-miller Ennodius Papius, and Beitild, a mine boss. When you've completed all those, we'll see if I might have some more.

Whispers in the Dark

The Night Mother breaks her silence, Astrid will once again send you to Nazir for contracts.

Player:Astrid wanted me to see you about some work.

Nazir: Well then, your timing couldn't be better. As it turns out I have two new contracts. One rather easy assignment, and one that should prove quite a challenge. Your first target is an orc bard named Lurbak. The other is a vampire by the name of Hern. Happy Hunting.

Death Incarnate

Nazir and Babette after the attack.

During the attack on the Sanctuary, Nazir can be found saying:

Nazir: If I am to die today, so be it. But you'll not soon forget the Dark Brotherhood.

Once you help him defeat the attackers:

Nazir: So you are alive. I was starting to wonder.

Player: The Emperor...it was a trap. Someone set us up.

Nazir: Considering most of us are now dead, I assumed as much. And before you ask, no- I don't think it was you. Well, maybe, I did, but you saving my sorry hide just now sort of erased my doubts. So thanks.

Player: We need to get out of here!

Nazir: You've got that right. Only a matter of time before we're roasted alive. Come on.

After the attack, Nazir speaks to Babette:

Babette: Hurry, Nazir! I'm telling you, he's/she's in there!

Nazir: I'm going...as fast...as I can, you stupid she-devil, I don't see you...helping...

Babette: I'm not exactly built for manual labor. Now come on, you're almost got it.

Nazir: One more...pull...Yeeaahh! There.

Babette: Can you get it open?

Nazir: I think so. Just hold on a moment.

After the Night Mother speaks again, Nazir will talk again:

Nazir: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. It's all right. You've been through a lot. Maybe you should just sit down for a bit...

Player's Choice Nazir's Response
I have to speak with Astrid! She's here in the sanctuary, follow me. She's here? By Sithis, I thought we'd lost her. Let's go!
I'm fine. But the Night Mother has another task for me. Let's go. Oh! Well in that case, lead on. I'm right behind you.
(Remain Silent) I don't know Babette. Looks like he/she may have suffered a head wound. Best not let him/her out of our sight...

Hail Sithis!

The Night Mother compells you to speak with Nazir, and hold the family together:

Nazir: By Sithis, what a mess. I guess this is the end.

Player: Not exactly. The Night Mother has spoken to me again.

Nazir: What? Well-what did she say?

Player: I must speak with Amaund Motierre once more.

Nazir: Amaund Motierre? But that would mean...

Player: The contract is still on. The true Emperor must be assassinated.

Nazir: You mean...there's still a chance? But how? Our plan has gone to ruins, everyone is dead, the Family...

Player: Our Family lives on, Nazir. You have to trust me.

Nazir: Hmph. All right, then. Go. Go, my Listener. Find out what that slimy bastard Motierre has to say, then send the Emperor to Sithis. Ah, but when you're done, there's no use returning here, is there? I was thinking... the Dawnstar Sanctuary. We could make a proper home there. Listen, when you're finished with this Emperor business, meet Babette and me there. I'll find some way to move the Night Mother. Don't worry. Now go! And come back with a barrel full of gold, hmm? Babette my girl- pack your things. We're moving.

Babette: I was hoping you'd say that.

Once you have returned with the payment from assassinating the Emperor, Nazir will be eager to see what the contract was worth:

Nazir: Well? What word of the Emperor?

Player: Titus Mede II is dead... by my hand.

Nazir: Truly? Could you have brought us more wondrous news? Recent events notwithstanding, this is a happy day for us, my friend. Despite your misfortunes, you stayed true to the Dark Brotherhood. You've saved us all, and for this you have my eternal thanks. Now, of course I must ask... Killing the Emperor... How much did Motierre pay for such a thing?

Player's Choice Nazir's Response
20,000 gold. Ha! Remarkable! Well, the old bastard certainly made it worth your while, didn't he?
10,000 gold. (Lie) Ha! Clearly, we should have killed that old bastard years ago!
5,000 gold. (Lie) Oh. Is that all? Really? Come now! You're joking with old Nazir! Surely the Emperor's life was worth more than that.

Saying that the payment was only 5,000 Septims will lead to Nazir wanting another response, where you may either be truthful or continue the lie.

Player's Choice Nazir's Response
Gotcha! It was 20,000 gold. Ha! I knew it, you rascal! By Sithis, the old man was worth the trouble.
Sorry, no joke. 5,000 gold. (Lie) Pfft. You'd think an emperor would fetch at least twice that. Damn that motherless cheapskate, Motierre. In any event, here's my advice. Go to Riften's Ratway, find Delvin Mallory. I believe Astrid had you visit him once before, no?Mallory is an expert "obtainer of goods." We can use the money to repair and refit this Sanctuary. Make a true home for us, eh?

If Nazir is told about any amount of gold over 5,000, he will go on to say:

Nazir: Now, might I offer some advice? You should go to Riften and find Delvin Mallory. I believe Astrid had you visit him once before? Mallory is an expert "obtainer of goods." We can use the money to repair and refit this Sanctuary. Make a true home for us, hmm? ou do that, and I'll see what I can do about recruiting some new additions to our Family...

Dialogue(Contract Quests)

Nazir will also explain any of the contracts he gives to you. He can give general background information on any of the targets.


Kill Narfi

Player: Tell me about Narfi.

Nazir: He's a hapless beggar living in some ruins just outside the village of Iverstead. Easy even for you.

Once the contract is finish

Player: Narfi is dead.

Nazir: Congratulations. You slaughtered an emaciated beggar in cold blood. You are truly an opponent to be feared. Here's your payment

Kill Beitild

Player: Tell me about Beitild.

Nazir: She separated from her husband several months ago. Now the two run competing mining operations. Beitild's angry and desperate. A fighter.

Once the contract is finish

Player: Beitild is dead.

Nazir: Of course she is. I hear the mining business is extremely cutthroat. And those hours... they're murder. I could do this all day. Here's your payment.

Kill Ennodius Papius

Player: Tell me about Ennodius.

Nazir: He lives just outside Anga's Mill, in the woods. He was once the miller. Now Popius is just a paranoid recluse who thinks someone is out to get him. And he's right.

Once the contract is finish

Player: Ennodius Papius is dead.

Nazir: Good. And I hope you were careful in that lumber mill. Those splinters and rusty nails can be quite nasty. Your payment, for a job well done.

Kill Hern

Player: Tell me about Hern.

Nazir: He's a vampire, and has blended into human society, for years. He's never far from his female companion, Hert. Also a vampire. The contract is for the male, Hern. But you'll probably have to contend with the female, too. So for Sithis sake, watch yourself

Once Hern is dead:

Player: Hern is dead.

Nazir: No sarcasm this time. You faced a vampire, and lived to tell the tale. Well done. And if you contracted Sanguinare Vampiris, be sure to get that taken care of. Else you'll end up like our own Babette. Unless of course, that was your goal all along. Here's your payment.

Kill Lurbak

Player: Tell me about Lurbak.

Nazir: He is, by all accounts, the worse bard in all of Skyrim. Apparently so many people sought his death, Astrid had to hold a lottery to determine the client.

Once Lurbak is dead:

Player: Lurbak is dead

Nazir: Wonderful. The only good bard is a dead bard, as far as I'm concerned. All that singing and..mirth. Your payment, as per the usual.

Kill Deekus

Player: Tell me about Deekus.

Nazir: He's an Argonian layabout, likes to scavenge shipwrecks. My guess is he'll run if threatened. Or swim, if given the chance.

Once Deekus is dead:

Player: Deekus is dead.

Nazir: Personally, I've always found Argonians to be incredibly unpredictable opponents. Especially near water. In any event, nice work. Here's your payment.


Player: Tell me about Ma'randru-jo.

Nazir: He's an accomplished wizard. And, locating him may be challenging, as he travels with the caravans.

Once Ma'randru-jo is dead:

Player: Ma'randru-jo is dead.

Nazir: Ah! Well done! Well done! Those caravaners can be an elusive bunch. Takes a fair bit of stalking to take one down. But then, that's half the fun, isn't it? Here's your payment. Well earned, indeed.

Kill Anoriath

Player: Tell me about Anoriath.

Nazir: The wood elf may run a stall in the city, but he retreats to the plains outside Whiterun to hunt. Kill him there, and no one will bear witness...

Once Anoriath is dead:

Player: Anoriath is dead.

Nazir: Ah, so the hunter came to know the fear of the hunted, hmm? Your payment, my friend. Well done.

Kill Agnis

Player: Tell me about Agnis.

Nazir: She's a maid. Old, and feeble. But with this contract it's much more a matter of "where" than "who." Your political affairs are your own, but any allegiance you may have in the ongoing war could very well affect your access to Fort Greymoor.

Once Agnis is dead:

Player: Agnis is dead.

Nazir: Don't worry, my friend, I'll spare you the facetious quip about killing a defenseless old woman. Infiltrating an occupied fort and making it out in one piece is nothing to joke about. Well done. Your payment for services rendered.

Kill Maluril

Player: Tell me about Maluril.

Nazir: He's dangerous. Very dangerous. A rogue Dark Elf mage doing research into Dwarven artifacts should be both respected... and feared. Just not by you.

Once Maluril is dead:

Player: Maluril is dead.

Nazir: I hope the elf didn't give you too much trouble. I once got set on fire by a sorcerer. Nasty business, that. But I digress. Here's your payment.

Kill Helvard

Player: Tell me about Helvard.

Nazir: He's the housecarl of Falkreath. You know what that means? He's the bodyguard to the Jarl himself. So be careful.

Once Helvard is dead:

Player: Helvard is dead.

Nazir: Hmph. Well, that's sure to throw a branch into Falkreath's well-oiled political machine. Here's your payment. Well earned, as always.

Kill Safia

Player: Tell me about Safia.

Nazir: Ah, yes. The pirate captain. A ruthless she-devil, by all accounts. Deadly with a blade. And let's not forget her crew - loyal and bloodthirsty, the lot of them. This is my final contract, and certainly the most challenging. Be careful with this one, my friend.

Once Safia is dead:

Player: Safia is dead.

Nazir: By Sithis, now I am truly impressed! To kill a pirate captain, on her own ship no less? Simply masterful! You've not only earned your payment, but my respect as well. And believe me, friend - that does not come easily. I'm afraid that concludes our business. You have exhausted all available additional contracts. But I'm sure you've got plenty to keep you busy right about now, hmm?


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