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Online:The Misuses of Knowledge

< Quests: Greenshade / Side Quests
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ON-qico-Normal.png Deliver notes about undead to their author.
Zone: Greenshade
Quest Giver: Mercano's Journal
Location(s): Naril Nagaia
Reward: Mage's Regret
54 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
Recommended Level: 28

I have found the notes of a mage named Mercano from Woodhearth in the depths of an Ayleid ruin where the Veiled Heritants were raising undead.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Mercano in Woodhearth.

Detailed Walkthrough

In Naril Nagaia, you find Mercano's Journal. It is in the final large area in the dungeon next to the blue crystal.

The journal says Mercano plans to start a new life in Woodhearth.

Mercano is inside the Thalmor Headquarters in Woodhearth. You tell him that the Veiled Heritance was using his notes to create liches. He promises to destroy the notes and gives you a reward.

Quest Stages

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Objective: Go to Woodhearth


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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