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Online:Skill Books

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Skill Books are books that can be used to increase any of your skills instantly. The first time you read a given skill book, your level in the associated skill will be permanently increased by one point. You do not actually have to read the entire book—simply opening the book and immediately closing it again is sufficient. Note that some of these books list a class rather than an individual skill tree. For these books, if you are a member of that class, it will raise all three of your skill ranks for that class. Otherwise, it will not raise any skills.

When you pick up a skill book, you automatically start to read it, and therefore you immediately obtain the skill bonus. If you find an additional copy of a skill book that you have already read, you will not receive any skill bonus for reading the additional copy.

82 skill books can be found all across Tamriel, covering all of the available skills. Skill books are also classed as a collection that make up the Eidetic Memory.

There are 83 books in the Skill Books Eidetic Memory collection.

Title Skill Author Description Location
A Grifter's Apology
One Hand and Shield Anonymous A former con-artist's advice
A Hero's Weapon
Two Handed Lizabet Delrusc A panegyric to the greatsword
A Hypothetical Treachery, Part 1
Destruction Staff Anthil Morvir A One Act Play
A New Recipe?
Provisioning A controversial culinary experiment
A Request for Relief
Enchanting Defessus Magister An enchanter's plea regarding manufactured runestones and the collapse of the enchanting market
Advances in Lockpicking
Nightblade An experienced thief summarizes the intricacies of lockpicking
Ahzidal's Descent
Enchanting Halund Greycloak The tale of a powerful enchanter's descent into madness
Alchemy Practicum
Alchemy Defessus Lector A reminder on the proper way to create new potions
Alchemy: Discovering Traits
Alchemy Defessus Lector A guide to basic alchemy
An Archer's Archive
Bow Sabarid the Seeker The far-ranging travels of a student of archery
Ardent Flame: Draconic or Endemic?
Dragonknight Gabrielle Benele
Armor of Myth and Legend
Heavy Armor Aurelienne Dulroi Famous (and possibly fictional) armors
Aura of the Righteous
Templar Ptolus the Bright, Resolute of Stendarr
Azarrid's Race
Medium Armor The tale of a group of adventurers and their race to claim a priceless gemstone
Baandari Mutton Stew
Provisioning A recipe for stew
Bowyer and Fletcher
Woodworking Hoary Durotzel, the Wood Butcher of Ska'vyn A lesson on the various bow types
Call to the Faithful
Light Armor Prudentia Blaesus A call to religious followers
Cantillon's Correspondence
Destruction Staff Margaux Cantillon A letter from a renown Restoration healer regarding a gifted staff
Ceryolminwe's Translation
Two Handed Ceryolminwe A study of an ancient Ayleid text
Chronicles of Ehtelar, Vol. 1
Clothing A tale of two Alik'r caravaneers and their ill-fated trek into an Ayleid ruin
Clothier: Light Armor Basics
Clothing Lady Eloisse, Fifth Countess Manteau A brief description of light armor
Cooking Mastery, The Easy Way
Provisioning The Malachite Chef A guide to easy cooking
Crush, Slash, Bash, and Stab
Dual Wield Weapon-master Grutsug A warrior's musing on various combat styles
Dark Magic: Three Pretexts
Sorcerer The Aureate Serpent A rebuttal addressing the criticism against Dark Magic
Destruction or Distraction
Destruction Staff Humius Acidinus A criticism against the trend of excessive intellectualism in magical study
Discomforts of War
Medium Armor Robier Douare, Alchemist Alchemical advice to protect against common health threats
Enigma of the Runestones
Enchanting Telenger the Artificer On the runestones of Tamriel
Father of the Niben, Fragment One
Bow Florin Jaliil Fragment of a journal of Topal the Pilot, translated and with commentary
Folly in Fixation
Heavy Armor Estiraamo An essay extolling the virtues of mastering both spell and sword
Forged in the Heart of Mundus
Dragonknight The Dragonsmith of Bruma Notes on the abilities granted unto the Children of the Mundus
Fundaments of Alchemy
Alchemy Alyandon Mathierry A fundamental primer on Alchemy
Glinting Talons
Dual Wield Ablahar at-Tanul An essay surrounding Ra Gada fighting styles and philosophy
Glyphs and Enchantment
Enchanting Sanessalmo of Glister Vale A brief overview of enchanting glyphs and runestones
Heavy Armor Forging
Heavy Armor Sven Two-Hammers A guide to creating Heavy Armor
Heavy Armor: A Forge-Wife's Advice
Blacksmithing Garshag gra-Sharkub How to get started smithing
How to Win a Fight
Two Handed Caelius Imbrex A concise, but primitive, guide on effective fighting techniques
Husks and Bones
Medium Armor Sorexius Lentulus The journal of an enterprising merchant and his experiences in Valenwood
Jornibret's Last Dance
Light Armor Song involving men and women's parts
Journal of Thracius Mento
Destruction Staff Thracius Mento The journal of a priest of the Divines
Legacy of the Dragonguard
Dragonknight Kiasa-Veda, the Chronicler of Blades A history of the Dragonguard
Mace Etiquette
One Hand and Shield A warrior's instruction pamphlet on proper mace tactics
Mazubar-do's Advice
Dual Wield Mazubar-do An essay on fighting and its relationship with dance
Medium Armor: Tannins and Leather
Clothing Defessus Lector
Mora'at's Theory of Lightning
Sorcerer Mora'at the Lesser, Wizard of Corinthe A Mages Guild theory on the inner workings of shock spells
Mythical Beast, Real Powers
Dragonknight Drusus Ovicula, Proctor of the Imperial Library An Imperial scholar's notes on his experience with Dragonknights
Nord Armorers and Armsmen
Blacksmithing Notes on Nordic blacksmithing culture and techniques
Notes on Racial Phylogeny
Destruction Staff the Council of Healers, Imperial University About the similarities and differences between the races of Tamriel
On the Utility of Shock Magic
Sorcerer Vanus Galerion Archmage Galerion's notes on the flexibility of shock magic
One Staff, Many Staves
Woodworking Hoary Durotzel, the Wood Butcher of Ska'vyn A children's guide to staff making
Oshgura's Destruction Journal
Destruction Staff Oshgura An Orcish sorcerer's journal recounting his difficulty learning spells
Precepts of Stendarr
Destruction Staff Ptolus the Bright, Resolute of Stendarr Evangelical doctrine for the God of Mercy and Charity
Principles of Conjuration
Sorcerer Corvus Direnni A brief introduction to the basics of Conjuration magic
Prudence in Practice
Destruction Staff Elleraame of Sunhold Proper magical practice technique
Quotes from the Greats
Dual Wield Scaporius Pulex Words of advice from arena champions
Redoran Cooking Secrets
Provisioning How to cook "Crab Meat and Scuttle" and "The Hound and Rat"
Report: Quality of Recruits
Light Armor Captain Lampronius A military report on the training of new recruits
Rislav the Righteous, Part 1
Medium Armor Sinjin Heroic tales of Rislav Larich, ancient King of Skingrad
Rituals of the Harmonious Masters
Templar Aritanwe of Lillandril Religious doctrine surrounding Stendarr and the promotion of his healing magic
Saving Your Hide
One Hand and Shield Lieutenant Anders Gemane On the finer points of dagger use
Settling the Debate
Medium Armor Ralevyn Nerano On what type of leather armor to use
Shadow Draining: A Hypothesis
Nightblade O Raposa-morcego cintilante Sobre o efeito mágico de absorver a vida de outro
Smithing: A Worthy Endeavor
Blacksmithing Cuinaamo, Great Sage of the Forge On the merits of smithing
Sorcery is Not Necromancy!
Sorcerer Divayth Fyr A famed wizard's objections to being labeled a necromancer
Sporting Chance
Stendarr's Divine Spear
Templar Ptolus the Bright, Resolute of Stendarr A poem extolling the power of Stendarr's magic
Stepping through Shadows
Nightblade the Glimmering Foxbat On teleportation magic
Sword-Wisdom of Saikhalar
One Hand and Shield Advice from a sword master
The Book of Circles: Forging Maxims
Blacksmithing Frandar Hunding Proverbs on the creation and use of swords
The Chopping Block
One Hand and Shield Kajuld Blackfox A Nord teaches his younger brother how to wield an axe
The Four Abominations
Templar Vinicius Imbrex, Archbishop of Chorrol, 1E 10511087 A description of the unnatural enemies of mortals, which are hated by Stendarr
The Friend of All Mortals
Templar The Resolute Templar of Ska'vyn On Stendarr, the God of Mercy and Justice
The Legendary Sancre Tor, 1st Ed.
Two Handed Matera Chapel An attempt to chronicle the rise and fall of Sancre Tor
The Masters' Hall
Heavy Armor Unknown Young and optimistic adventurers seek out a lost ruin in the Jerall Mountains
The Rotwood Enigma
Heavy Armor The mystery of a benevolent, silent adventurer
The Source of the Bone
Bow Selalleth The Death Stories of the Bosmer
The Vanishing Crux
Destruction Staff Masura-dra, Sentinel Magister On the Osseous Crux
To Smite with Dragon Claws
Dragonknight Battle Chant of the Intrepid Two Hundred
Treatise on Metallurgical Anomalies
Blacksmithing Ovuld, Master Metallurgist Introduction to a scholarly treatise on strange metals
Undeniable Truths of Attire
Light Armor Elenuume the Impeccable On proper mage attire
Wulfmare's Guide to Better Thieving
Nightblade Wulfmare Shadow-Cloak A boastful thief discusses the tricks of the trade
Wuunding and Tumult
Two Handed Vothel Bethalas Two legends of Wuunding recorded by Vothel Bethalas
Xil-Go's Spell
Light Armor Adzi-Kahz How an Argonian village fought off slavers from House Dres

There are also 9 additional books in other Collections that also raise skill levels.

Title Skill Author Description
Arboreal Architecture
Woodworking Cirantille A description of Bosmeri construction techniques
Confessions of a Bold Alchemist
Alchemy Alchemist Aleeto The musings of an alchemist
Exiled from Exile, Volume 7
Dual Wield Yasra al-Ash'abah The tale of a man and his daughter's encounter with a cult of Daedra worshippers
Harvest's End
Enchanting On the exploits and studies of Chimere Graegyn
Khajiiti Arms and Armor
Clothing A treatise on Khajiiti armaments and armor
Sep's Kiss
Alchemy Instructions on brewing a poison
Strakes and Futtocks
Woodworking Curly Lainlyn, Master Shipwright
The Year 2920, Vol. 3
Clothing Carlovac Townway Volume 3 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
The Year 2920, Vol. 7
Woodworking Carlovac Townway Volume 7 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire