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Online:Darkvale Coster

< People
Darkvale Coster
Location Skywatch
Race Altmer Gender Varies
Level (?) Health (?)
Darkvale Coster

Darkvale Costers are Altmer merchants found in Skywatch.

Male Darkvale Costers may say the following:

  • "Don't let me stop you. Our goods are definitely worth the look."
  • "This year's Defiance is one of the best I've seen. Estre certainly has an eye for fests."
  • "I do recommend you try some of the Slyph-Mead we just acquired. Delicious."
  • "It's good to stop moving for a time. I don't think I've slept in the same bed twice for months."
  • "Ah, yes. Perhaps you should speak to one of our clerks? Do I look like I have a full coin purse?"

Female Darkvale Costers may say the following:

  • "In the market for a drink? I saw a cask of Golden Pear Ale headed for the marketplace this morning. Best brew in Auridon."
  • "This time at the fest, I'm going to do it. I'll actually get away from the tent and see the Fighters Guild demonstration. It's supposed to be quite a sight!"
  • "Do I look like I handle coin? No. Talk to a clerk if you want to buy."
  • "Stars keep you safe, and your blade in its sheath."

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