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Online:Ambarel's House

< Places: Auridon / Homes
Ambarel's House
(view on map)
Aldmeri Dominion
Owned Yes
Crafting Stations
ON-icon-Cooking Station.png Cooking Fires 2
Ambarel's House

Ambarel's House is an empty house in northern Skywatch. It can be found near Telenger's Emporium. It is a two-story Altmer-style house. The first room on the ground floor seems to be the main room of the house, and has two bookshelves and a cooking fire, while the room to the left contains several small containers and crates. The bedroom upstairs contains a cooking fire in the fireplace, and a cabinet. No NPCs live here, so it is easy to steal from; however, there is not much to take.


  • Despite the name of the house, there is no NPC named Ambarel in the game.
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