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Oblivion Mod:Stirk/Lieutenant Orenius Philo

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Lieutenant Orenius Philo
(RefID: )
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Stirk
Location Fort Stirk, East Hall
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 10 Class Guard
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 50
Respons. 100 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Tr07FortStirkF; Tr07StirkF
Lieutenant Orenius Philo in Fort Stirk

Lieutenant Orenius Philo, an Imperial guard, is the second in command at Fort Stirk and an officer of the Stirk City Guard. He gets most of the work done for his superior, Interim Captain Cartello Stirk, who will actually direct you towards him: "I'm Captain Cartello Stirk, head of the legion on this fine island. But if you have a complaint, go see Orenius Philo." and "I am very proud to serve Stirk. But please direct any complaints to my lieutenant, Orenius Philo."

Stirk's garrison hardly needs serious guidance and Orenius gets to relax basically all day long. After waking up early at 6am, he eats breakfast for two hours in the East Hall dining room before spending the rest of the day pacing up and down the stairs leading from his quarters to a rather decrepit bedroom. At midnight, he heads back to his bed, unequips his armor and sword and sleeps for a good 6 hours.

While Stirk may see little action, Orenius still dresses in full gear every morning: chainmail cuirass, greaves, gauntlets and boots, along with a shield of the turtle and a longsword of sapping. He also carries two potions of healing and a fortify luck potion.

When first meeting you he will confirm rumors about him, stating, "Lieutenant Orenius Philo. Captain Stirk's the head of the legion here, but I run things. What can I do for you?" Similarly to other guards, when asked about Stirk he will comment on the complaints filed by citizens, "It's a quiet island, but sometimes we get quite a few petty complaints. It can be very tiring sometimes."

Although the upper area of the Fort's East Hall is basically his, he only actually owns the bed there.