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Oblivion:Sage Glen Hollow

< Places: Caves
Sage Glen Hollow
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
boss-level Conjurers, Conjurer Enemies
(1 boss-level Conjurer)
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Chest
Console Location Code(s)
SageGlenHollowExterior, SageGlenHollow, SageGlenHollow02
Nibenay Basin
North of the Silverfish River, east of the Yellow Road
Sage Glen Hollow

Sage Glen Hollow is a medium-sized cave northeast of Bravil containing conjurers. It contains two zones: Sage Glen Hollow and Sage Glen Hideaway.



Key to Map
Map of Sage Glen Hollow Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 32, -2
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Sage Glen Hollow (editor name SageGlenHollowMapMarker). The entrance door is ESE of the marker, 50 feet away.
  • 0-1 Conjurer Enemy (each 33% probability Conjurer, 67% Daedra) is near the entrance
  • 1 Wilderness Creature (Valley variety) is near the entrance
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 3 Bergamot plants, 2 Flax plants, 8 Lavender plants, 9 Monkshood plants, and 3 Primrose plants

Zone 1: Sage Glen Hollow

Sage Glen Hollow

Sage Glen Hollow resembles other Conjurer dungeons in both size and contents, but a healthy amount of valuables and easy access to the boss leveled chest makes exploring it worthwhile. Upon entering from door Out, head down the hallway; going straight forward will lead you to a room with a sole enemy and no treasure, so take the right path, head north when you reach an intersection and claim the minor loot from the chest in the northernmost room. Backtrack to the intersection and take the narrow western passage and clear another dead-end room. Backtrack again and head south until you reach a larger room with a bedroll at b, then make a choice; the eastern tunnel leads to door D, which allows you to explore most of the second zone, Sage Glen Hideaway, with the exception of the boss chamber; heading south through the room with the dead captive (F) will lead you to door C, and very easy access to the boss and his chest.



  • 1 Chest 01 (locked)
  • 2 Chests 02 (1 locked)
  • 1 Chest 03
  • 1 Chest 04
  • The following alchemy equipment will always be found: 1 Novice Alembic, 2 Novice Calcinators, 2 Novice Mortar & Pestles, and 2 Novice Retorts
  • The following plants will always be found: 10 Cairn Bolete plants
  • Some of the above items are clustered at location E: 1 Novice Alembic, 1 Novice Calcinator, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, and 1 Novice Retort

Doors and Gates:

  • There are three doors in/out of this zone


  • 1 Dead Captive (10% chance enchanted jewelry) at location F on map
  • 2 bedrolls at b

Zone 2: Sage Glen Hideaway

Sage Glen Hideaway

If you chose to go directly for the boss leveled chest, you will arrive in Sage Glen Hideaway from door C. Head up the slope to the east and face the boss-leveled Conjurer at A, loot his alchemic laboratory (E) and claim the content from the locked boss chest at B. Nothing more to do here, so backtrack back to the door and re-enter Sage Glen Hollow.

If you chose to ignore the boss for now, you will arrive in this zone from door D. Head south and emerge in a large cave and explore the two narrow paths in close vicinity of your arrival point; the northern tunnel leads to a chest and a bedroll at b, while the southern one contains a small alchemy lab, a chest and another bedroll. Finally, locate the small room in the southeastern area for the last minor loot chest, then backtrack all the way to door D and return to the first zone, Sage Glen Hollow.


  • 1 boss-level Conjurer at location A on map
  • 5 Conjurer Enemies (each 50% probability Conjurer, 50% Daedra)


  • 1 boss-level Chest (Conjurer variety; locked) at location B on map
  • 2 Chests 01
  • 3 Chests 02 (2 locked)
  • The following alchemy equipment will always be found: 5 Novice Alembics, 2 Novice Calcinators, 4 Novice Mortar & Pestles, and 9 Novice Retorts
  • Some of the above items are clustered at the following locations:
    • At B: 1 Novice Calcinator, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, 2 Novice Retorts, and 1 boss-level Chest (Conjurer variety; locked)
    • At E: 3 Novice Alembics, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, and 4 Novice Retorts
    • At F: 1 Novice Alembic, 1 Novice Calcinator, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, and 1 Novice Retort

Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors (at C and D) in/out of this zone, both leading to the zone Sage Glen Hollow


  • 2 bedrolls at locations b on map