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Therana (therana)
Home Town Tel Branora
Location Upper Tower, Therana's Chamber
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 44 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 300 Magicka 2000
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Telvanni Master(Master)

Therana is a Dunmer mage and probably one of the strangest characters you will encounter during your journey through Vvardenfell. She is a Telvanni Councilor involved in the Main Quest. She is somewhat insane and can become volatile quickly. She seems to have no material awareness, as she will hugely over-reward you for mundane tasks, giving you a Daedric Cuirass and Greaves simply for retrieving a "bow that smells of Ash Yams". She keeps a naked Khajiit slave, Ra'Zahr, in her room, and her stronghold is decorated with rotting Kwama eggs. She ignores anyone's business other than her own, preferring to talk extensively about herself. For these and other reasons—many people—even in her own House—seem to want her dead. She can be found in her tower in Tel Branora.

The other Telvanni Councilors often comment about how Therana has not aged well, and how she becomes more eccentric by the day. Her conversations with you will rapidly change subject; most options leading to an anecdote of her childhood. Even her Mouth—Felisa Ulessen—advises against being around her for too long and will provide you with a Scroll of Almsivi Intervention should things turn ugly.

She is wearing an exquisite robe with matching shoes, an amulet of spell absorption, a ring of firefist, and a ring of night-eye, she wields a daedric dagger, and she carries a scroll of black weakness, four exclusive restore magicka potions, and an Abebaal slave key. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Fifth Barrier, Llivam's Reversal, Absorb Spell Points, Fire Bite, and Firebloom.

Related Quests

Main Quest

House Telvanni

Mages Guild

Morag Tong



  • Greetings:
    • "What are you here for? Are you here to feed the spiders?"
    • "Oh, it's you again."
    • "Oh, are those my new clothes? I've waited ever so patiently for them."

  • House Telvanni: "It's a funny sort of house, with all those glowing blue crystals all over it. Did I ever tell you about when I was a little girl? I always liked going to the house. That's where everyone keeps their toys. Are you listening to me? You'd better be. Yes, that's better. No need to do that. I'd offer you something, but I'm all out of kwama eggs."
  • join House Telvanni: "Join with the house? No thank you. I prefer to be in the house, not of the house."
  • Nerevarine: "Nerevarine? Is that a new play? I like plays."
  • new clothes:
    • "Oh, is that my new skirt? How do I know it's not cursed? Why don't you put it on." 'Goodbye
    • [Disposition -50.] "You're wearing me skirt! How dare you wear my skirt!" 'Goodbye
  • Telvanni bride: "That's lovely, dear, but I don't think so. I have so much to do around here. Besides, I'm already married. I'm fairly sure. Avos. Or Aren. I think. Little fellow. He's around here somewhere. Some sort of magic thing. Quite funny, actually. Did I tell you? About how easy it is to get those caretellian coordinates mixed up? Oh, dear... really quite a laugh. Quite funny. Yes, indeed. Ehr.... What were we talking about?"
  • Telvanni councilors: "No, Telvanni make the worst councilors. I wouldn't listen to their advice if I were you."
  • Therena: "Eh? Yes? Therena? Yes? Yes. Of course."