Abrir menu principal

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The console is accessed by pressing the key to the left of the "1" key: on standard American English language keyboards this is the tilde (~) key. On British English keyboards, this is the backtick (`) key. When you enter a valid command in the console, nothing should be returned and the typed command will turn blue compared to the normal brown. If you receive an error message, you did something wrong. An example command is:

player->AddItem "Gold_001" 12345   

which will add 12345 gold to player, or


which turns the collision (clipping) in the game on/off. The following is a selection from the complete list.

Command Abbr Description
AddTopic “TopicID” Adds the specified topic. Example: addtopic "join house Hlaalu"
CenterOnCell, [CellID] COC Places the player in the specified cell ID.
CenterOnExterior, [X], [Y] COE Places the player in the center of the exterior cell specified by the coordinates [X, Y].
StartScript Runs in-game scripts. Example: startscript "vampire_cure_pc" which cures vampirism.
CreateMaps "Filename.esp" Creates map image file depending on the Create Maps Enable value in the Morrowind.INI file. If the value is 1 (Xbox), the file FILENAME.ESP.MAP is created in the DataFiles path with the map data (unknown format). If the value is 2 (Exterior Cell Maps) and you have created a directory Maps in the main Morrowind game directory, this command will create a 256x256 high color bitmap of each exterior cell in the game. This command takes a long while even on fast computers as each cell in the game is loaded.
Enablelevelupmenu Enables the level up menu.
Enablestatreviewmenu Brings up the character modification screen which can be used to change your race and other stats. Note that there are two problems, as you will lose all your spells and your immunity to all diseases (if you have progressed far enough in the main quest).
Enablenamemenu Opens name menu.
Enableracemenu Opens race menu where you can change your race and head.
Enableclassmenu Opens class menu.
Enablebirthmenu Opens birthsign menu.
FillJournal Add all entries to the journal. This command takes a long time to complete.
FillMap Show all the towns on the full map.
FixMe Move player 128 units away from current location. (The collision detection sometimes goes wrong in tight places and pins you down to one spot. This will mostly get you out.)
GetFactionReaction [factionID] [factionID] The faction IDs are required.
Help Shows shorthand for most commands.
Journal "QuestID", QuestStage Adds dialogue to your journal for a particular stage (given by [QuestStage]), of a particular quest (given by [QuestID]). Quest IDs are usually given on the quest walkthrough pages, while quest stages can be found using the TES Construction Set dialogue window. This command is useful for skipping certain parts of a quest.
Lock [Level] Locks the currently selected lock (door or container) at whatever lock [Level] you input. To select an object, open the console and click the object to select it (you’ll see its name in the console title bar).
PlaceAtPC, [ObjectID], [Count], [Distance], [Direction] Places the given object into the world near the player. For example PlaceAtPC "sharn gra-muzgob",1,20,1 will place one NPC Sharn 20 units in front of the player. See the editor for more object IDs. It’s suggested that if you want to summon something/someone using this that you type 1,1,1 for the count/distance/direction. Example: placeatpc "sharn gra-muzgob" 1,1,1. Making those values 1,0,0 will place the object/person will put it exactly where you are standing. You can usually just step out of them, but in some instances you can get stuck.
ModFactionReaction, [FactionID], [FactionID], [Value] Changes the Reaction values between 2 factions, specifically the first FactionID towards members of the second FactionID. This applies to values in the faction reaction tables. As far as the player is concerned this changes dispositions in conversation. For instance, one can make factions that normally hate one another (House Telvanni and the Mage’s Guild) feel amicable instead. Note that only first FactionID’s reaction is changed, so in order to change the attitude in both directions, simply repeat the command, swapping the two FactionID values.
ResetActors RA Resets every NPC's location to where it originally was (good for recalling NPCs that get stuck in hills/walls/etc after using togglecollision and for moving NPCs that have slowly wandered on top of an item.).
Resurrect When used on corpse, resurrects it. NPCs that are dead from the beginning of game are not resurrected. When a NPC is resurrected they get all their items back. Can be used on other creatures. This includes the player if the player -> prefix is used. However, resurrecting the player is known to cause issues, including resetting the spellbook.
SetPCCrimeLevel [Value] Sets your Bounty to [Value]. For example, “SetPCCrimeLevel 0” would clear you of your crimes.
Set GameHour To [Value] Example: set gamehour to 5 would set the time of day to 5 O'clock. Note: The game uses a 24 hour clock. NOTE: While show gamehour returns floating point values (like 3.8646), set gamehour in the console only accepts integers (e.g., 3 or 4).
Set Timescale To [Value] Changes the speed of the day/night cycle. A value of 1 makes the day go at real-time speed; an in-game day would last 24 hours in real life. A value of 10 will make it ten times as fast as real-time (ie. one in-game day lasts 2.4 hours), etc. The default timescale is 30 (1 ingame day = 48 real minutes).
ShowGroup SG Show selected actor's group members
Show [name of variable] Shows the value of a single variable. Example: Show PCVampire will return 0, 1, or -1 depending on the player's vampire state.
ShowScenegraph SSG Create a new Window on the desktop with all the game renderer's information.
ShowTargets ST Show selected actor's target group members.
ShowVars SV Console command that lists all the global and/or local variables.
StopCellTest SCT Stops a cell test previously started by the TestCells console command.
StreamMusic "<Filename>" Plays the specified file. Note: The directory and filename will have to be input, otherwise music will be selected at random. For example: type "explore/filename.mp3. Filenames are case sensitive as well so be sure to get the case and spacing between words (if any spacing is there.) correct.
TestCells TC
TestInteriorCells TIC
TestModels T3D
ToggleAI TAI Toggle the NPC/creature AI
ToggleBorders TB Toggles the display of exterior cell borders
ToggleCombatStats TCS Turn combat stats on/off. Stats are displayed in the console window.
ToggleCollision TCL Turns clipping on and off for the player and all NPCs in range. This allows you to fly around through walls and objects (don’t go through doors that lead to another area). Use with care as often NPCs and creatures will become stuck when you use this command (to reset, turn collision on and type RA into the console). To do them again just turn collision back on.
ToggleCollisionBoxes TCB
ToggleCollisionGrid TCG Displays the grid which controls how objects collide with things.
ToggleDebugText TDT Displays various debug texts on the screen, such as position & video framerate.
ToggleDialogueStats TDS
ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns the fog of war in the automap display on and off. Useful for taking screenshots of complete maps with no ‘black’ areas in them.
ToggleFullHelp TFH Show you ownership and script of objects you look at. Useful for knowing who to avoid selling stolen items to.
ToggleGodMode TGM Makes the player invulnerable. You can actually still die, when using spells on characters or beasts with reflect. Be careful around Gaenor...
ToggleGrid TG Displays a grid showing the status of the active (exterior & interior) cells.
ToggleKillStats TKS Displays statistics in the console on how many creatures you’ve killed each time you kill another.
ToggleMagicStats TMS
ToggleMenus TM Closes out all open menus, dialogue, barter, enchanting, etc.
ToggleScripts Unknown - Possibly toggles the scripts on or off.
ToggleStats TST Toggles display of the various debug statistics.
ToggleSky TS Toggles the sky on and off.
ToggleTextureString TTS Shows texture strings for targeted objects?
ToggleWorld TW Turns off the world. NPCs will still display until you move your camera, at which point they will disappear. Does not actually turn off collision, only hides rendering.
ToggleWireframe TWF Toggles the display of wireframe 3D objects.
Unlock Unlocks the currently selected lock (door or container). To select an object, open the console and click the object to select it (you’ll see its name in the console title bar).
TogglePathGrid TPG Toggle path grid display. Displays the grid that helps define where NPCs can walk.

Targeted Commands

Targeted commands are often used with a "player->" prefix to affect the player character. But any object can be targeted that way by using an "object_id->" prefix. Another way to target an object is to click on it while in the console. The title of the console window will change to the object selected, and any targeted command without prefix will now apply to it. A complete listing of targeted commands can be found at the function list.

Command Description
AddItem "Gold_001" [Value] Adds [Value] amount of gold.
AddItem “ITEMNAME” [Number] Adds [Number] amount of a specific item to the inventory. ITEMNAME is the item's ID which can be found on the items pages or in the Construction Set.

Note: the "ITEMNAME" is case sensitive so capitalizing a word will not work.

PCJoinFaction "factionname" Forces the player to join the designated faction.
PCRaiseRank "factionname" Raises the player's rank in the designated faction.
PCLowerRank "factionname" Lowers the player's rank in the designated faction.
PCClearExpelled "factionname" Clears the player's expulsion status from the designated faction.
addsoulgem “CreatureID”, “misc_soulgem_type” 1 Adds a soulgem filled with the soul of whatever creature's ID is use to the inventory. CreatureID is replaced by a creature ID (this can be looked up in the Construction Set) and ‘type’ is replaced by the type of soulgem you wish to use (e.g. Grand, Greater, lesser).
AddSpell “SpellID” Adds the specified spell to those currently known by the player.
Getpos [x, y, or z] Gives the coordinates of the player/object on the map, which helps when you’re attempting to find something that's listed by its coordinates.
SetFatigue [Value] Set maximum fatigue, and apply it as the current value.
SetFlying [1] Sets the flying mode. To get this command to work, enter the console command and then cast a Levitate Spell. The effect should now last until you disable the flying with the console.
SetLevel [Value] Sets level. For this to work properly you’ll have to either use the command, save the game and restart, or gain a level in the normal fashion after using this command.
SetHealth [Value] Sets maximum health, and apply it as the current value. You may want to use “SetCurrentHealth” instead.
SetMagicka [Value] Sets maximal magic, and apply it as the current value.
Setpos [x, y, or z] Allows the absolute positioning of objects within the cell(interior), or the world cell(exterior). Objects positioned in this manner may or may not retain these positions after a load/reload event.
SetReputation [Value] Adjusts the reputation to the given number. It seems that the maximum value is 255, but if a higher value is entered it appears to be applied.
SetDisposition [Value] Adjusts the disposition to the given number. The maximum is 100.
SetSuperJump [1] Allows super jump (0 — disables).
SetWaterBreathing [1] Allows breathing under water (0 — disables).
SetWaterWalking [1] Allows to walk on water (0 — disables).
Set_____ [Value] Sets the skill ______ (such as SetBluntWeapon, etc…) or attribute (SetStrength, etc…). Warning: Use caution when increasing speed; a single tap of the forward button and you get stuck in a wall!

Warning: Also, be careful with acrobatics if you don't want to fly for three minutes without ever seeing the ground.