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The Adversary, The Greedy Man

The Skaal believe the Adversary takes delight in tormenting and testing them. The All-Maker and the Adversary bear a resemblance to Anu and Padomay, who are in a similar antithetical conflict. The Greedy Man is one of the Adversary's aspects.

Akatosh, Dragon God of Time


Akatosh, known as Auri-El to the Aldmer and Bormahu (Father) to the dragons, is the chief deity of the Nine Divines (the prescribed religious cults of Cyrodiil and its provinces). He is present in every Tamrielic religion except that of the Dunmer (Lorkhan is actually the only one seemingly present in every tradition). His avatar is a dragon, and he is often called the Dragon God of Time. He is generally considered to be the first of the Gods to form in the Beginning Place; after his establishment, other spirits found the process of being easier and the various pantheons of the world emerged. The Aedric spirit is the ultimate God of the Cyrodiilic Empire, where he embodies the qualities of endurance, invincibility, and everlasting legitimacy while promoting the virtues of duty, service, and obedience. Akatosh is thought to be the father of all dragons, and their leader Alduin was titled "First-Born of Akatosh". Akatosh is the patron of the Akatosh Chantry, the religious order devoted to the worship and glorification of him, who refer to him as the "Great Dragon". The Warp in the West and other Dragon Breaks are thought to result from Akatosh's temporary loss of control over the flow of time.

Most traces of Akatosh disappeared from ancient Chimer legends during their so-called 'exodus', primarily due to that god's association and esteem with the Altmeri. However, several aspects of Akatosh which seem important to the mortal races, namely immortality, historicity, and genealogy, have conveniently resurfaced in Almalexia, the most popular of Morrowind's divine Tribunal; as a mother-figure, she also embodies the idea of being a progenitor (albeit a female rather than male one). So one could say that, at least, the qualities of Akatosh are not entirely neglected among the Dunmer, even if his name is.

Alduin, Nordic World Eater

Alduin, ou o Devorador de Mundos, como é conhecido pelos habitantes de Skyrim, é um dragão imensamente poderoso. Ele é retratado como uma força malevolente que destrói o mundo periodicamente, e os Nords acreditam que sua reaparição anuncia o fim dos tempos. Ele é o autoproclamado Primogênito de Akatosh e um aspecto de Akatosh.. Seu nome pode ser separado em "Al Du In", que significa "Destruidor Devorador Mestre".

Alkosh, Dragon King of Cats

Pre-ri'Datta Dynasty Anaquinine deity, also known as "the First Cat" and "the Great Cat King of Time". A variation on the Altmeri Auri-El, and thus an Akatosh-as-culture-hero for the earliest Khajiiti, Alkosh's worship was co-opted during the establishment of the Riddle'Thar, and he still enjoys immense popularity in Elsweyr's wasteland regions. He is depicted as a fearsome dragon, a creature the Khajiiti say 'is just a real big cat'. Repelled an early Aldmeri pogrom of Pelinal Whitestrake during mythic times. The Khajiit believe the Dragon Break phenomenon occurs when Alkosh has been broken.

The All-Maker, God of the Skaal

The All-Maker is a mysterious deity revered as the wellspring of creation. The All-Maker could be a deity from the Atmorans or branched from the animal deities of the Atmorans. Either way they share similarities with each other and derive from the ancient Nords, reverence for the All-Maker is now nearly extinct. However, the isolated Skaal of Solstheim preserved the ancient beliefs throughout the ages, and modern scholars have learned of the All-Maker through their eyes.

All life flows from the All-Maker like a great river, and, in time, this river flows back to its source. The spirits of dead creatures return to the All-Maker, who shapes new life and returns it to Mundus. Death, then, is simply the beginning of the next stage of this endless journey. However, each life is a gift given in the great wisdom of the All-Maker, thus each one is very precious and sacred. Even the snow is viewed as a blessing for the shelter it can offer and for allowing hunters to track prey. The All-Maker favors those who hone their skills, and disfavors the greedy and lazy. The six All-Maker Stones of Solstheim are viewed as representations of the six aspects of nature, the six great gifts of the All-Maker—flora, fauna, the sun, the earth, water, and wind. The stones are believed to be conduits by which the All-Maker's power flows into the world.

Almalexia, Mercy of Morrowind

Almalexia, also known as Almalexia the Lover, Almalexia the Warden, and Ayem, was one of the three God-Kings who constituted the Tribunal, or Almsivi, along with Vivec and Sotha Sil. She was very popular amongst the Dunmer, who called her "Healing Mother", "Lady of Mercy", and "Mother Morrowind". They knew her as the source of compassion, sympathy, and forgiveness, the protector of the poor and weak, and the patron of teachers and healers. She resided in the temple city of Mournhold within the city of Almalexia, the capital of Morrowind, and was closely associated with House Indoril. She was also the most personable of the Tribunal, and was well-known for walking amongst her people. As a mortal, she was the wife of Lord Indoril Nerevar, First Councilor of Resdayn. As a living god, she became the consort of Vivec, who associated her with the stars.

Originally the counselors to Nerevar, the Tribunal came to power amongst the Dunmer following her husband's death at the Battle of Red Mountain circa 1E 700. Before his death, they swore oaths to Nerevar upon Azura that they'd never use the Tools of Kagrenac on the Heart of Lorkhan in order to steal its divine essence for themselves. A few years later, Almalexia and her fellow Tribunes broke that oath to become living gods. This led to the transformation of the Chimer into the Dunmer, and the Tribunal became their immortal protectors, leaders, and gods. The truth of how they gained their divinity was covered up; according to the Heirographa, the orthodox public teachings of the Tribunal Temple, their divinity was a more spontaneous result of their supernatural virtue, discipline, wisdom, and insight. For more information, see the lore article.


Back before the existence of man or god, Anu the Everything created Anuiel—his soul and the soul of all things. Also known as Anui-El, Anuiel is the personification of the Aurbis, or totality of creation. The Aldmer especially revere the Aurbis as Anuiel, the Soul of the Void. Anuiel is seen as an equal but opposing force to Sithis. He is often described as Light or Order, although Sithis-worshippers regard him as a demon as he represents the stasis of Anu, which in their eyes is unchanging nothingness.

Ark'ay, God of the Cycle of Life and Death

Arkay (or Ark'ay), Lord of the Wheel of Life, is a member of the Divines, and also a popular god in other cultures. Arkay is often more important in those cultures where his father, Akatosh, is either less related to time or where his time aspects are difficult to comprehend by the layman. He is the god of burials and funeral rites, and is generally associated with cyclical occasions, such as the seasons and life/death. His priests are staunch opponents of necromancy and all forms of the undead, and are empowered to bestow Arkay's blessings which prevent the forceful misuse of a mortal soul. Thus, any body properly buried by a priest observing the proper rituals is protected by Arkay's Law from being raised as undead. Therefore, necromancers view Arkay as their ultimate enemy, and make covert efforts to undermine his worship throughout Tamriel. Because of this association with, and protection of, mortality, he is sometimes called the Mortals' God.

There are two legends about Arkay's origin. The book Ark'ay the God of Birth and Death has it that Arkay was once a regular shopkeeper with a passion for knowledge. He found a book written in a strange language and spent years upon years attempting to decipher it, slowly ignoring everything and everyone else around him. Eventually Arkay realized the book explained life and death itself, but by this time was at death's door with an incurable plague. Praying to Mara as a last resort, Arkay asked for more time to interpret the book. Mara gave him a choice: die now or become a god for eternity, charged with keeping the balance of death and life in the universe. The alternative is contained in The Monomyth, which suggests that Arkay was one of the very first spirits to "crystallize" after the start of time.

Comparing Arkay to Tu'whacca, Yokudan God of Souls, shows this story is allegorical, framing the sequence of events by which an anonymous Aedra found new purpose in the constructs of the mortal plane and took up the mantle of life and death. Arkay created the Sword of the Crusader for Pelinal Whitestrake, to help him defeat Umaril the Unfeathered.

The Order of Arkay has temples in Sentinel, Ilessan Hills, Shalgora, Dragontail Mountains, and Orsinium.

Auri-El, King of the Aldmer

Auri-El (also called Auriel), King of the Aldmer, is the elven variant of Akatosh. Auri-El is the soul of Anui-El, who, in turn, is the soul of Anu the Everything. He is the chief of most Aldmeri pantheons. Most Altmeri and Bosmeri claim direct descent from Auri-El. In Valenwood, he is known as Auri-El Time Dragon, king of the gods. Snow Elves and Ayleids also worshipped him.[nb 1] However, Auri-El is thought to be only the ancestor of the upper castes in early Aldmeri society, and was adopted by other Aldmer to better emulate their social "betters". When he formed, time began.

Azura, Goddess of Dusk and Dawn

Azura of the Crimson Gate (also known as Azurah) is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is dawn and dusk—the magic in-between realms of twilight—as well as vanity and egotism. She is also known as the Queen of Dawn and Dusk, Mother of the Rose, Queen of the Night Sky, and the Anticipation of Sotha Sil. Azura is one of the few Daedra who maintains the appearance of being "good" by mortal standards, and presumably feels more concern for the well-being of her mortal subjects than other Daedric Princes. She is one of the few Daedric Princes who constantly maintains a female image, and is perceived accordingly.

Moonshadow is Azura's plane of Oblivion, where she lives in a rose palace. It is reported to be blindingly beautiful and colorful, with flowers, waterfalls, trees, and a city of silver. The Winged Twilights are her servants.

For more information, see the main lore article.
