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Raça Dragon Gênero Desconhecido
Residência Tamriel

Boziikkodstrun was a dragon who was transformed into the first Daedric Titan by Molag Bal. His name means "Boldly Wield Storm" in the Dragon Language.

In the Merethic Era, dragons ruled Tamriel and sought domination over all mortals. Their reign ended following the Dragon War when Alduin was banished, and those who were not slain were driven into hiding. It was then that Boziikkodstrun exerted his nigh-divine will in an attempt to fly beyond the borders of the Mundus. Although he failed, Boziikkodstrun's effort drew the attention of Molag Bal, who admired the race's attempted domination of Nirn. He offered the dragon a place of honor and privilege in his realm of Coldharbour, and in his weakened state Boziikkodstrun accepted.

Bal swiftly betrayed the dragon, binding him in chains of cold ebon iron in the depths of the Tower of Lies. Hoping to learn the secrets of his race's domination of mortals, the Prince had Boziikkodstrun tortured and interrogated, but the dragon remained haughty and indignant at his ill treatment, uttering not a single syllable. Vexed by his defiance, Bal sought revenge by slow consumption of the flesh from his bones until nothing remained but a skeleton. He then declared that he would create his own dragons, mightier than those of Nirn.

Boziikkodstrun's skeleton was taken to the Vile Laboratory, where it was infused with the blood-of-darkness in order to reawaken it as a Vestige. It can be assumed that this process was similar to the creation of the Soul Shriven, mortals who have their soul substituted with the vestige of a Daedra. Bal also had the skeleton adjusted to a plan of his own devising. The skeleton was then submerged in the Azure Chasm, to reform from Azure Plasm.

Within a "nanaeon", the first Daedric Titan arose from the chasm and bounded nimbly up the Endless Stair. It was judged to be a powerful new addition to Molag Bal's war-slaves. Many more Daedric Titans were made in Boziikkodstrun's new image, and were released upon Tamriel during the attempted Planemeld of the Second Era.


  • The first Daedric Titans were said to have been released upon Tamriel for the first time during the Planemeld. This would match the story of Boziikkodstrun's corruption, which describes him bounding up the Endless Stair, a structure which was created by the Mad Architect some time between 2E 578 and 2E 582. However, this timeline is contradicted by the appearance of Titans on Tamriel at earlier points in history.
