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Lore:Crônicas dos Cinco Companheiros 2

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<noinclude>{{Book Summary
|title={{Lore Link|Chronicles of the Five Companions}} 2
|author=Lyris Titanborn
|description=The personal recollections of the {{Lore Link|Five Companions}}
|prev={{Lore Link|Chronicles of the Five Companions 1|Part 1}}
|next={{Lore Link|Chronicles of the Five Companions 3|Part 3}}

Once again, I, {{Lore Link|Lyris}} of {{Lore Link|Skyrim}}, commit words to paper on behalf of the {{Lore Link|Prophet}}. In truth, he didn't ask me to write this entry, but I feel the need to keep a record of these events, whatever their outcome may be.

The Prophet's visions and nightmares are getting worse. He continues to witness horrifying visions of a future in which {{Lore Link|Molag Bal}} rules our world. These don't seem to have a profound effect on him when he is awake, but at night, in those precious few hours where he manages to drift off, the visions become increasingly disturbing. He refuses to describe them to me in great detail, but he awakens violently, in a cold sweat, and it's obvious that they are wearing away at his sanity.

Our ally, {{hover|The player character's name|<<player>>}}, has already proven extremely capable. The escape from the {{Lore Link|Wailing Prison}} was only the beginning. The {{Lore Link|Vestige}} risked everything to rescue me from the {{Lore Link|Foundry of Woe}}. I owe our new friend my life, my soul, and perhaps my very sanity.

We're now chasing every available lead in our attempts to find {{Lore Link|Sai Sahan}} and the {{Lore Link|Amulet of Kings}}. If we can regain the amulet, the Prophet believes that we might be able to challenge Molag Bal and save our world. As usual, he used a bunch of flowery words and obscure phrases I didn't understand, but his general meaning was clear.

Sometimes I wish I'd never left Skyrim and gone to {{Lore Link|Cyrodiil}}. I fought for a great man that I believed in, met another that I came to cherish dearly, and had my share of blood and glory, but was it all worth it? Cyrodiil will always be the place where I first laid eyes on that traitorous {{Lore Link|skeever}} {{Lore Link|Mannimarco}} and his sniveling toady {{Lore Link|Abnur Tharn}}. I don't know which is worse, Mannimarco's charm and eloquence as he prepared to backstab us, or Tharn's endless insults and irritating condescension. At least with Tharn we always knew where we stood.

The Prophet said that Tharn's part in this isn't finished. I can't imagine any good coming of that. After all, that sniveling son of a goat went right back to licking Mannimarco's boot after the {{Lore Link|Soulburst}}. He'd do anything to save his own hide and preserve his family's status in the {{Lore Link|Imperial City}}!

I must bring this entry to a close. I hear the Prophet stirring.

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