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Lore:Pedra de Shor

2 428 bytes adicionados, 20h36min de 31 de julho de 2014
<noinclude>{{cleanup-lpp|writtenby=Legoless}}{{Lore Places Trail}}
{{Lore Place Summary
|region=The Rift
|settlement=Shor's Stone
|imgdesc=Shor's Stone circa {{Year|4E 201}}
|appears=[[Skyrim:Shor's Stone|Skyrim]], [[Online:Shor&#39;s Stone|ESO]]
</noinclude>[[Lore:Shor's Stone|Shor's Stone]], named after the {{Lore Link|Nord}}ic god {{Lore Link|Shor}}, is a small {{Lore Link|ebony}} mining village in the pass between {{Lore Link|the Rift}} and {{Lore Link|Eastmarch}}, north-northwest of {{Lore Link|Riften}}.

Shor's Stone Mine, sometimes called Redbelly Mine due to the red mist that fills it, provides ebony and {{Lore Link|iron}} and serves as the foundation of the local economy.{{ref|[[Online:Loading Screens|ESO loading screens]]}}{{ref|[[Skyrim:Filnjar|Filnjar]]'s dialogue}} For a period of time, the settlement served as the home of the {{Lore Link|Companions}}, based out of {{Lore Link|Fallowstone Hall}}. The Fallowstone Vaults served as a museum and mortuary for the Companions as well as the resting place of {{Lore Link|Wuuthrad}}, and shrines to the original {{Lore Link|Five Hundred Companions}} surrounded the hall.{{ref|name=ESO|Events of ESO}}

In {{Year|2E 582}}, an alliance of {{Lore Link|Reachmen}} known as the {{Lore Link|Three Tribes}} attacked the settlement on the orders of the {{Lore Link|Worm Cult}}. They took control of the mine and Fallowstone Hall in order to steal Wuuthrad and resurrect the {{Lore Link|giant}} {{Lore Link|Sinmur}}. With the aid of the surviving Companions, the {{Lore Link|Ebonheart Pact}} liberated the settlement, but not before Wuuthrad was lost.{{ref|name=ESO}}

At some point, the Companions abandoned Fallowstone Hall, and {{Lore Link|Jorrvaskr}} in {{Lore Link|Whiterun}} once again became their headquarters. The master thief {{Lore Link|Drayven Indoril}}, believed by some to be the infamous Nightingale of legend, is said to have retired to this quiet village.{{ref|name=TN|{{Cite book|The Nightingales}}}} By {{Year|4E 201}}, the town was in danger of disappearing entirely when invading [[Lore:Frostbite Spider|frostbite spiders]] forced the mine to close temporarily.{{Ref|name=Skyrim|Events of [[Skyrim:Skyrim|Skyrim]].}}<noinclude>
==See Also==
* For game-specific information, see the [[Skyrim:Shor's Stone|Skyrim]] article.
