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Utilizador:Cardboard Box

764 bytes adicionados, 14h46min de 18 de abril de 2013
Undo revision 1174837 by (talk) - Spam
The Reverend Cardboard Box is a thirty-five year old [[http://www.subgenius.com SubGenius]], obviously, who skulks obscenely in New Zealand and sits at his computer performing the usual devotions to the holy trinity (porn, gaming and blog-hopping).

He currently has a house/quest mod, [[http://www.breakthinktank.com/cgi-bin/btt.pl?morrowind/varlninya Varlninya]], available at his website, the [[http://www.breakthinktank.com BreakThink Tank]].

He does not suffer idiots, impulse posters, spammers, humans, Pinks, ConDupes, Mediocretins, Cage Dwellers, Sames, Normals, Barbies, Kens, Mall Zombies, Herd Followers, Technoboredom, THEM, Supersonic Aluminum Nazi Hell Creatures From the Center of the Hollow Earth, religio-political fanatics or pop culture gladly.
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