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Lore:Floresta de Graht

2 683 bytes adicionados, 15h10min de 1 de novembro de 2014
<noinclude>{{Lore Places Trail}}{{cleanup-lpp}}
{{Lore Place Summary
|subregions=[[Lore:Green Hall|Green Hall]]<br>[[Lore:Longcoast|Longcoast]]<br>[[Lore:Tarlain Heights|Tarlain Heights]]
|imgdesc=Grahtwood circa 2E 582
</noinclude>{{Lore Link|Grahtwood}}, sometimes called the '''Kingdom of Grahtwood''',{{ref|name=TFOS|{{Cite book|The Founding of Southpoint}}}} is a large region which forms southeastern {{Lore Link|Valenwood}}. Much of it is covered in impenetrable jungle, though a western portion of the region was devastated by {{Lore Link|Molag Bal}} circa {{Year|1E 2920}} and has never recovered. The {{Lore Link|Tarlain Heights}} lie west of {{Lore Link|Green Hall}}, and the coastal region south of both areas is known as {{Lore Link|Longcoast}}. Many cities and settlements can be found in Grahtwood, including {{Lore Link|Haven}}, {{Lore Link|Cormount}}, {{Lore Link|Goldfolly}}, {{Lore Link|Southpoint}}, and {{Lore Link|Elden Root}}. Historically, the walking city {{Lore Link|Falinesti}} settled in Grahtwood during the winter.{{ref|name=ESO|Events of [[Online:Online|ESO]]}}

Many races besides the {{Lore Link|Bosmer}} have made Grahtwood their home. {{Lore Link|Orc}} strongholds are not unheard of, and numerous {{Lore Link|Ayleid}} ruins dot the landscape.{{ref|name=ESO}} The Bosmer have allowed both {{Lore Link|Imperial}}s and {{Lore Link|Argonian}}s to establish autonomous settlements in their land.{{ref|name=ARD|{{Cite book|Argonian Refugee's Diary}}}} In fact, men have been coming from {{Lore Link|Cyrodiil}} to seek great wealth from Grahtwood's resources since the {{Lore Link|First Era}}.{{ref|name=TFOS}}{{ref|name=FP|{{Cite book|Faltonia's Promise}}}} Non-native Bosmer who return to their ancestral homeland are frequently drawn to Grahtwood. As a result, relations between them and native Bosmer are particularly tense in the region, and this has often led to conflict. In {{Year|2E 489}}, the {{Lore Link|Blacksap Movement}} was founded with the aim of formalizing the Bosmeri approach to the {{Lore Link|Green Pact}}, and thereby prevent any further violent "misunderstandings" between the two groups.{{ref|name=TROC|{{Cite book|The Rise of Cormount}}}}<noinclude>
File:ON-concept-Grahtwood.jpg|Grahtwood concept map (ESO)
File:ON-map-Grahtwood.jpg|Map of Grahtwood (ESO)
File:Valenwood map Oblivion.jpg|Map of Valenwood (Oblivion)

==See Also==
* For game-specific information, see the [[Online:Grahtwood|ESO article]].


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